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Messages - Bat

Back to Basics - Annoying but necessary

Blood Moon - Annoying but necessary

Demonic Tutor - Remove from watchlist

Dig Through Time - Keep on watchlist

Entomb - More data would be nice, keep it unbanned another 6 months

Imperial Seal - Keep on watchlist - I liked the unban, only problematic interaction is turn 1 into Oath of Druids.

Mana Drain - Keep on watchlist

Oath of Druids - I hate this Card... there is no other card that dictates how the game has to be played when it resolves. And Imperial Seal made Oath more consistent. T1 Seal into Oath, which i observed 4 times at the last volcano Cup, was 4 times a concede from the opponent on turn 4 at the latest. I would like to see this card banned.

Tainted Pact - Almost every time TP resolves, it wins. Demonic Tutor at Instant speed is just stupid and the downside is not really a downside. I would like to see this card banned.

Tolarian Academy - Remove from watchlist.

Treasure Cruise - Keep on Watchlist.

Yawgmoth's Will - Remove from watchlist.

unban Watchlist

Gifts Ungiven - Remove from watchlist

Mystical Tutor - Remove from watchlist

My ramblings now are a bit complicated i guess. I think blue needs to be powered down, or at least not given any new tools like Gifts Ungiven. On the other hand, i want Oath of Druids and Tainted Pact banned. Which would lead to less tools for decks that are not base blue.
Most reasonable would be to ban Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time when banning nonblue cards. I hope this makes sense :>
This refers to JK Series in Maintal which will take place 4 times a year (great thing btw).

The End-of-year-Event is unfortunatly MKM-Series in which HL has obviously no love.

Ah damn :/
And its just a 4 round tournament... very sad to see...

Edit: This is a post from JK in the JK Series Facebook group. Describing an alternate schedule:

Sunday 20€ Entrance fee apply until 3 pm
10:00 Legacy Main 15€ (100 price tix per players)
11:00 Standard Main 15€ (100 price tix per players)
11:00 PPTQ Limeted 15€ +10€ for the boosters (100 price tix per players)
12:00 German Highlander Mainevent 15€
15:00 Old School I prefer swedish rules
16 Uhr 4 round Two Hg Sealed 35€ (8 Boosters per team 60 Price tix per team)


Tainted Pact (Simply because its a second Demonic Tutor for the best deck in the meta. Atm we dont see many 4cblood lists, imo this is because the good players with this deck are testing some other builds. And especially in Mannheim 4cblood is at an alltime low because everybody is playing Ux decks.



On the Ban Watchlist:

Treasure Cruise (With "theone" behind us, and 3 more big tournaments this year coming up [the one autumn, Maintal Sideevent, HL Cup end of the year]. I would like to see if Ux decks can dominate as some people think, and if it is the case, TC has to go.

Off the Unban Watchlist:

Stoneforge Mystic (If this thing gets unbanned, we will see an instant reban like we did with Natural Order. Its just too strong, autoinclude in too many decks, boring and repetative games focusing around SM and the tutored sword.)
Payron - Bat 1:2


He wins the dice roll. Only draw - land - go from both sides until i play Dack Fayden with FoW backup. Dack digs pretty deep, meanwhile the Pia and Kiran tokens start making damage. He misses a few landdrops. EoT i play Snapcaster -> Lightning Bolt, he taps out for DTT and my B2B seales the game.


Payron starts with t2 Sylvan Library, i suspended AV t1 but it will be too slow to make a difference in this game. His t3 is pretty good, paying 8 life into the Library. Land + Mox and resolves Oath of Druids. I allready have a Spellskite, so i play my TNN to get power on the Board. At this point i have Fiery Confluence and Bribery in my hand, and with the AV draws i maybe manage to pressure this throgh. Nope, TNN gets mana leaked. Oath burys ~40 Cards in his grave and he hits a Greenwarden of Murasa. One turn later he has all he needs and goes wild.


My first 7 cards are 5 lands so i take a free mull. Lavamancer, Ruination, Condescend, Mystical Tutor, Island, Mountain, Cascade Bluffs.
Sadly i only draw Steam Vents as a land for the next turns, so my Ruination does not look very good. He plays Enlightened Tutor EoT3 which i try to condescend, but he has FoW at the ready. Oath hits the field and i have to play my Ral Zarek to Bolt my Lavamancer. At this moment i dont have any answers to what might jump out of the Oath. I Mystical Tutor for Cryptic Command, he also has Mystical and searches Crop Rotation, which finds Wasteland and takes my Cascade Bluffs, Crucible of Worlds and my Steam Vents is also gone.
Here strikes a good portion of luck for me. I draw an Island, +1 on Ral and i resolve the Ruination which brings him down to 1 land, but he has the Crucible on the board. His hand is dry and he starts dredging with loam. I only have small creatures in my hand, and no answer to the Oath. Until i draw Venser which i flash in EoT and attack, bringing him down to 10. Ticking Ral to 7 and resolve Magus of the Moon and True-Name Nemesis. Too much to handle and the game is over.

Thanks for the nice games!
Hey Payron,

check your inbox for our playing dates.
Vazdru (UB Control) vs. Bat (UR Control) - 0:2


I win the dice roll and draw my first 7. 2 fetch, Spell Pierce, Repeal, Jace Architect, Venser, Maze. Seeing the hand now... i dont like the keep. No Lands or cheap spells in the first 3 turns and im in no good shape.
Luckily he plays UB Control, so i have some time to see where this game is going.
I do nothing until turn 3, he starts with an Ancestral Vision and Ponder in turn 2. He stumbles on the Ponder, finds no lands and plays Maze of Ith on turn 3.
Sadly i cant pressure him really. But i can bounce his Vision with Venser.
The game goes on, Thoughtseize and Augur of Bolas gets countered. My Jace resolves and gets me new cards. Vendilion Clique puts away his Mystic Confluence. I drop my AV, he resolves Liliana who gets burned by Forked Bolt and Grim Lavamancer. I resolve a Jace TMS who lives until the end of game and draws a good amount of cards.
Finally i can drop a Hellkite. He is still at 15, so far only Lavamancer did real dmg because of his Maze. Now full swing with Venser, Lavamancer, Clique and Hellkite. Maze the Hellkite, hit for 6. He goes down to 9 and plays a Toxic Deluge for 5. I Play Mana Leak(which he nows i have) to make him tap out more. He then Mana Drains(which i know he has) my AV. So the way is clear for a hardcast Bonfire for 4 which ends the game.

Game 2:

My first hand sees no lands, and the free mulligan brings me 3 Lands, Snare, Bolt, Snapcaster and Dualcaster.
He again opens with AV. Only lands hit the board until his AV wants to resolve. My Dualcaster resolves, which i did not expect. Sadly i cant counter his AV.
His Inquisition takes my Blood Moon. (only nonbasics in his hand and 2 on the field)
He then plays Ashiok who reveals no creatures and gets eaten by the Mage and a Bolt.
I follow up with Spellskite but he plays a Toxic Deluge for 4, bringing him down to 16. My EOT Impulse gets countered by his daze.
So i can resolve the Hellkite which swings for 5, but then dies to a Heroes Downfall.
He starts attacking with Creeping Tar Pit and succeeds in countering my flashbacked bolt through Snapcaster Mage, taking me down to 12.
Clique Mainphase sees a land and Explosives in his hand, which he can keep. Tar Pit hits me down to 8. Explosives gets countered by Snare.
I can swing with Snapcaster and Clique bringing him down to 4. Rolling Earthquake X=4 wants to seal the game, his last attempt is a Mana Leak, which gets countered by my Mana Leak.

Thanks to Vazdru for the nice games! And i hope the report is not too long :>
deckcode: 7ka4fg7p

The fee is on its way.
I watched the Eggs decks play in round 3 or 4, he got very lucky in a couple of situations. Zero cards in hand topdecking Tolaria West for Zuran Orb into endless life/mana against Izzet Control who just had the wrong counterspells in hand (remand/venser). Any other card on top and he is out of top8 range.

Of course the people were talking about the eggs deck at the tournament. But so far as i witnessed it, everybody, even Tom, said thats its not a broken deck, its just a good deck.
Now Eggs has won a 46 player tournament, so has Blood, UW, UR, UWR, Reanimator and many more.

I agree with Tazi, for me the format is perfectly healthy at the moment. (pls dont unban stoneforge and natural order ^^)
Announcements / Re: MKM Series Frankfurt
01-04-2016, 03:36:59 PM
As far as i understand, they have to limit the entry fees to 15€ to give €-vouchers out in prizes. German law and stuff... You can charge more than 15€ entry fee when you dont pay out cash or vouchers (which are cash in a specific way). So charging 30€ and pay out cards and goods is totally fine.
But when you pay out cash, your limit for the entry fees is 15€. All above is considered gambling and this is only allowed to the state.

Im not 100€ sure about this, so please correct me if im wrong.

Imo JK came up with a pretty neat way to charge "low" entry fees, but announce pretty high prices for the tournaments (~5000€ for the legacy tournament and ~6000€ for the modern tournament). So we have an event in germany which feels like a gp, without beeing a gp.

For the HL tournament it reads bad. I hope that they will count the players and add their entry fee for the venue to the prize pool. Otherwise it would be really expensive to play that side event :/
Off-Topic / Re: Democratic council, so hard?
05-10-2015, 01:54:29 PM
Well the reason to unban Academy and Fastbond was to give the non existing combo archetype a boost. This was in my opinion succesful. And you dont see Fastbond/Academy decks winning every tournament left and right. UWR and 4c Blood are still dominating most of the tournaments.

Let the next MGM and HL Cup pass, then we will see if Combo Decks are destroying everything, or if it is just another tier-1 deck.