Highlander Magic

MagicPlayer Highlander => Tournaments => Announcements => Topic started by: tonytahiti on 25-01-2016, 11:42:55 AM

Title: Metagame Master Vol. 5 at "Der andere Spieleladen", Berlin > 27.2.2016
Post by: tonytahiti on 25-01-2016, 11:42:55 AM
Hello Everybody!

We are super excited to announce the next tournament of our series.  

There are a couple of Reasons why the "Winter Edition Tournament" of the MGM Series will be especially exciting:

1. Oath of The Gatewatch is an incredible Set with lots of future HL Staples -  Who will identify the newest techs?
2. Highlander Castle Erfurt will have a strong showing, they announced they will come to Battle with 10 Players! Tiny City - Huge Commitment
3. Its cold outside and there will be lots of physical and emotional Warmth available at the MGM5.
4. The Format is Crazy right now! MGM4 was won by Mono Blue Tempo! What? Everything seems possible! Dust off your elves deck, give boros another try!

We've had about 50 players show for each of the tournaments so far and we would really like to grow that number a bit, so we decided to raise the Entry Fee from 10 to 15 Eur, so we can supply better prizes and provide more incentive to players, who are not from Berlin and therefore spend Time and Money on the Train/Car. The Old Prizes will basically be multiplied by 1,5 and we will anounce in a few days what they are specifically. The decision was not made easy and we see this as kind of an "experiment", hopefully we will be able to increase attendance numbers.

There is nothing left to say, than: We invite you for a day of fun and games in Berlin and we would love to see you there. Who will be the first MetagameMaster 2016??

Cheers and hopefully we will see eachother soon!


Location: Der andere Spieleladen Prenzlauer Allee 192 10405 Berlin Tel.: 030 441 5151

Date: 27.2.2015 Registration: 10.00 - 11.00 am Start: 11.00 am

Starting Fee: 15 Euros (please bring decklists)

Prices: To be Confirmed. All prices will be adjusted to player count as always.

If you have any questions feel free to ask here or join our facebook-group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/metagamemasters/

We'd be very happy to have you there and compete for the winter championship of Metagame Masters!
Title: Re: Metagame Master Vol. 5 at "Der andere Spieleladen", Berlin > 27.2.2016
Post by: tonytahiti on 11-02-2016, 05:01:32 PM

PricePool this time:

1. Underground Sea German FWB
2. Liliana of the Veil
3. Snapcaster Mage
4. Snapcaster Mage
5-8. 30 Euro Store Credit
9-14. 10 Euro MKM Voucher

EVENT on Facebook:


Hope to see you there.