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Messages - meteora

Standings Würzburg

1 Florian Hering 7
2 Stefan Stührmann 7
3 Peter Gehring 6
4 Michael Borsos 6
5 Frank Oestemer 3
6 Andreas Keupp 3
7 Matthias Frauenschläger 0
8 Matthias Fey 0
@Tabris: So diversity is a Naya mirror won by the player who will draw SFM or even worse NO first? Then this is not about being the better player but just even more luckbased.

Apart from that your assumptions are correct imo. Thumbs up to Jopanges´ post, too.

-> regarding TPS - which it is not: people it´s not a true storm deck if you didn´t realise. It´s more of an oath control deck that finally abuses Ywill than being a TPS deck honestly... so where is the problem if oath decks are fine?
Can we just go back to the tutordiscussion?

I give you a quick summary of tutors i saw being played (noticed):

needs to go
needs to go - yeah i know we guys from würzburg play it ourselves and we love it but it´s really to strong

do we really want al those cards in our format...
Deck Lists / Re: Highlander Games on Youtube
18-05-2012, 12:25:50 PM
Ich weiß bei den Spielen geht es nicht darum die decks korrekt zu spielen sondern darum sie vorzustellen.
Aber trotzdem frage ich mich ob du dein Spiel gegen Reanimator nicht hättest einfach gewinnen können...
bei min ca. 22:30 haben wir die situation in der du dich dead on board siehst. Wenn du nun mit lark angreifst abgibst er dich
angreift du restoration angel reveillark blink image auf flyaer + wayfarer = 5 block ooze mit image block flayer mit wayfarer - undying = 5 er tot oder?

I know your column isn´t about making the correct play at the time but to introduce the different archetypes to us.
However i have to question your play against reanimator with esper control.
at 20.30 min you seem to be dead on board. If you attack with lark opp at 10life, he attacks you back, you get restoration angel online blink lark into image into flayer and wayfarer him at 5life block ooze with image block flayer with wayfarer - undying him at 0 life isn´t he?

forgot about language being english here^^
Reports / Re: MKM-Highlander Tournament
24-04-2012, 04:08:18 PM
Boring T8
It´s just hard to stuff every single one of the 90 decks into a certain basket... Myself (Andreas Keupp finishing 10th due to tiebreakers 16 Points) used to play UW Aggro-Control. At first sight though you could also regard it to be UW Control. So you would have to examine each list very - and I mean VERY closeley - so this isn´t a problem of examining the different strategie but a problem of time and personal understanding of a deck - in my opinion.
Deck Lists / Re: Big creatures!!!
05-05-2010, 12:52:05 PM
One dude crossed my way: !Nullstone Gargoyle!  I think he does the thing you want!
Deck Lists / Re: Big creatures!!!
04-05-2010, 11:12:50 AM
The first thing: Why do this solutions have to be that expensive cc4 Is also possible...

Well if you want to go that way - There are for Example:

Eldrazi Monument (you usually don´t need to keep it)

But watch out! If you have to many protective spells you`ll lack of Pressure!
Deck Lists / Re: Topic open in 2 days only!
24-04-2010, 08:52:12 PM
I Would make the following changes:

+The Abyss
+Sensei's Divining Top
+Crop Rotation
+Stroke of Genius

-Ensnaring Bridge
-Scroll Rack
-Mind Spring
Yes you would do so. You would also win if your savannah lion will attack your opponent for lethal but thats not the topic!
Quote from: Drexlin on 13-04-2010, 09:33:03 PM
Quote from: Dreamer on 01-04-2010, 01:46:45 PM
Still, especially now with Iona's printing, Survival and Entomb were pretty much necessary bans.

This is exactly the kind of thinking that gets us into these discussions.
"Uh-oh, there's a new card that makes X, Y, and Z broken! We should ban X, Y and Z."

WRONG! Ban the new card! If everyone has such a problem with Iona, ban her! Why ban multiple cards when you can just ban one?

Now, don't get me wrong, I agree with the banning of Survival and Entomb, I'm just using this as an example. (Sorry to pick on you, Dreamer ;) )

Quote from: Kassow-Rossing on 09-04-2010, 12:01:50 AM
And well to the Kiki-Jiki combo Buried Alive:
As the council tells us. The combo is a too fast and dangerous. Will be boring to play with and against.

Kiki-Jiki is the most fun and less overpowered of the two, so it should stay. Buried can be abused in many ways. Kiki-Jiki is just a cool card for FIVE mana lets you combo. Can also be used on a casual level for anything else. Buried is just always bad for a format.

So Kiki got unbanned, Buried got banned. Everybody should be happy because it can't be any other way.

The combo isn't Buried Alive/Kiki, it's Kiki/Pestermite and the combo still exists! Doesn't anyone else see this?

IMHO, there is no reason why Buried Alive should be banned.

You´ll also need karmicguide in grave ;-)
Quote from: Nastaboi on 09-04-2010, 12:36:39 PM
I am also curious seeing a winning decklist with Buried Alive. How many tournament wins/top8 placings the combo had before it got banned?
Quote from: malz77 on 08-04-2010, 03:31:24 PM
Quote from: Tiggupiru on 08-04-2010, 02:32:26 PM
Buried Alive should be unbanned for this very same reason.

always remeber: with buried alive and kiki-jiki we will create the fastest combo in the format. therefore we banned kiki in the past but the community wanted it back. so we banned buried alive...

Any open questions?
Quote from: GoblinPiledriver on 01-04-2010, 03:41:35 PM

In my oppinion every overpowered card  should be banned:

Oath of Driuds(I know Control is not dominating, but this card is totally overpowerde though,just think of the new Eldrazi

Library of Alexandria (Do you really think that it's normal for a land to draw cards just by tapping and it prdouzes mana)

Survival of the Fittest ( Maybe now you have realized that this card is dominating the format)

DemonicTutor  ( Every other Tutor for every thing cost 4(This card is the favorite of Sturmgott)

Bazzar of Bagdad   ( This card belongs to P9)

He is completely right nothing more to say...

Except from Winterorb ( Aggro is dominating the meta anyway and this one is only 2 colorless mana! )
Deck Lists / Re: W/B/G Rock
31-03-2010, 12:10:40 AM
Quote from: meteora on 28-03-2010, 01:59:54 AM
i woukd avoid cut Akroma, teneb and spirit monger(yeah i know this card difines the rock but i think its not good enough...) instead of them i would either run iona + loyal retainers or more dredge effects including game breaker living death...

I think something like that the important thing is: Akroma, teneb and spirit monger out...