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Messages - Joern

Off-Topic / Re: mtgpulse down?
12-06-2017, 11:48:45 AM
i wrote with the site owner matthias and would like to inform you about the possibility to install a "european highlander-deck section". so i think there schould be a little discussion about this. he is asking for three highlander-enthusiasts to work on the database... dion and me are offering our help to start this.

"wir überlegen gerade auch, wie wir Highlander mitaufnehmen
können/wollen. Wir vermutlich drauf hinauslaufen, dass wir eine Funktion
zum Deckhochladen erstellen werden. Dann bräuchten wir halt zwei, drei
Leute, die von uns Editier-Rechte bekommen. Ich nehme an, Du hättest da
Reports / Re: Highlander Tournaments in Halle
28-03-2017, 07:32:31 PM
24.3.2017, 11 players, 4 rounds

1. Dosch, 12 pts, White Wheenie
2. Jörn, 9 pts, 4c Twinless Midrange (w/o G)
3. Marian, 9 pts, GWr Baboons
4. Moritz, 9 pts, Bant Midrange
5. Branko, 6 pts, Sultai Midrange
6. Henrik, 6 pts, Jekai Control
7. Alex, 6 pts, Jeskai Aggro
8. Steffen, Rakdos Aggro
9. Jens, 4c(w/o R) Oath
10. Phillip, Mardu Midrange
11. Stefan 5c Midrange
thx for this comparison of the different highlander-formats, maybe share this in our facebook-group too. australian highlander is missing or are there any reasons for not including a 60-card highlander format?

Reports / Highlander Tournaments in Halle
16-04-2016, 05:53:07 PM
13.4.2016, 7 players, 4 rounds

1. Jens/ 9 pts, 4c Oath
2. Jörn / 9 pts, Grixis Twin
3. Henrik / 9 pts, Gruul Midrange
4. Stefan / 6 pts, 5c Artifact Combo
5. Alex / 6 pts, 4c Planeswalker Blood
6. Willi / 6 pts, Mono Red Sligh
7. Branko / 3 pts, Mono Green Eldrazi Ramp

Top 3 decklists will follow soon

- We want to participate in the process of modernizing "german highlander" and it's accessibility.
- We are satisfied with the work of the council.
- I will act as a coordinator, and think, Tom will too. We will accept the "Leipzig/Halle"-thing.
- We are looking forward to do elections.


- will lead to more satisfaction in the highlander-community.
- will make the decisions less attackable.
- will multiply the engagemant for the format.
- is a "plus" to german highlander.
- isn't hard to realize.


- will lead to more understandable decisions.
- will spread the discourse about what is important for the format. Also helps to define, what is german highlander for most of us.
- will empower people, to make good decisions.
- leads to a multi-perspective decision-making-process
- will help, to get ideas involved, that otherwise were hidden (e.g. open access wish-list for website, etc.).

Promole (BUG?) 0:2 4C Joern (Goodstuff (w/o R))

Game 1:

- Promole begins and is satisfied with his hand: 3 Lands, DRS, Baleful Strix, Spell Pierce and Mana Leak.
- Free-Mulligan for me. Then i kept: 3 Lands (1 cipt), Noble Hierarchm Tidehollow Sculler, Natural Order, Jace, the Mind Sculptor

1: Promole starts with cipt-land, I draw Quasali Pridemage and play Bayou and Hierarch.
2: Promole plays Land, Baleful Strix. I draw dismember, play Land, Tidehollow Sculler and see the 2 Counters for my early Natural Order. ok then: I take Deathrite Shaman with Sculler.
3: Promole plays cipt-land. I play land, then dismember on baleful strix (with 2 mana open), he counters with mana leak (yeah!), then i play qasali Pridemage.
4: Promole plays land, go (no BB for liliana). I attack with Sculler (with 2 Exalted-trigger) and sac pridemage for baleful strix before blockers declared.
5: Promole draws the right land for liliana and plays it: -2. I sac tidehollow sculler, he gets deathrite back and plays it (if he plays DRS, he has only spell pierce!). after drawing 3 lands in a row, I played natural order in my turn with 2 mana open into his spell pierce. Resolved. Searches Wasteland and Creeping tar Pit.
6: Promole plays Unearth on Baleful Strix, Liliana -1 and Gurmag Angler. I draw land, play Jace TMS, bounce Gurmag Angler and attack with Titan (Maze of Ith, Celestial Colonade) into Liliana. He blocks with baleful strix and both die.
7: He cycles (Preordain, Miscalulation) into ruinous Path and kills Jace. I draw Snapcaster and attack with treetop village and creeping tar pit. Maze untaps Tar Pit for snapcaster action.
8: He plays Treasure Cruise and nothing else. EOT: I play Snapcaster and flashback dismember for his DRS (He has 2 blue sorces). I draw mystical Tutor, attack with my 2 Manlands and Snapcaster mage. He plays Snapcaster Mage and blocks mine. Hes on 5 life. I use my wasteland for his lonely sandbar (no blue mana left for him).
9: Gurmag Angler, go. EOT: Mystical tutor for path to exile. Path to exile for Gurmag Angler, Attack with my Manlands. GG

Game 2:

- Promole freemulliganed, then goes to six with a risky hand: 1 Land, Deathrite Shaman, SDT, Heroes Downfall, Shadow of Doubt, Toxic Delatsch
- Free-Mulligan for me: I kept a mediocre hand with 4 Lands, Noble Hierarch, Thrun and Putrid Leech (which i cant play the whole game while lacking black mana)

Game Description: krasser Manascrew on Promole's Side. Thrun on turn 3 on my side. He's looking for mana for 4 /5 Turns. I played Wasteland on his second land with fow backup (i can hardcast it ;-). Thrun (+Hierarch) killed him. His Toxic Deluge (1 Turn before his death) is countered. GG - No credits for this game ;-).

Thx for the games, Promole.