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[HLL]Scoreboard - Season V

Started by Vazdru, 04-01-2009, 01:01:20 PM

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well, our match isnt completed, because it took longer than we both expected, but i´m writing this so we don´t forget what happened.
5CC Mythrandir VS Mercator BG rock?

Game 1: he played a darkheart sliver + 2 walls i didnt doo much and was taking damage from the sliver. Until i played an enlightened tutor for Moat. But he then played visara. He left me at 5lft before i could demonfire his visara. After that he played demonic tutor for a wickerbough elder (i think) and played it i responded with a "divine" FOF, that gave me a pact of negation to counter his walking naturalize. After that he played phyrexian arena (huge draw advantage) and some more critter including genesis that got removed + elder (in grave). He then played eternal witness -> demonic tutor -> profane command. my turn i drew a figure of destiny and it wasnt enough. Amazing game ;)

Game 2: This one took even longer. I had a crappy hand (only W and U) but a 2nd turn rishadan port delayed his moves even though he had a hidden gibbon in play. i then came up with a call of herd. and eventually had to use my intuition for 2 lands (colors) + LFTL activatin his 4/4 gibbon. now i had enough lands, but before that i went down to 5 with a 10 damage attack. i played deed cleaning the board and played random critters and needed only to attack next turn to win but i played (again) enlightened tutor for a moat. When did exchange some spells/creatures and he then went again for wickebough elder that i responded with a gifts ungiven for 4 counterpells. he played arena that got him quite some few cards before being HIDE/seek. he now had some critters including masticore. he played a deed for 4 (cleaning moat), but was low at life because of two 4/4 angels. This is where i kept using etched oracle + stronghold engine for some blockers and to finally find my eternal witness -> demonfire. Again excellent game.

Game 3: he mull down to 6 and then spoils. he plays land, i play TOP; he played mire boa, nex turn spike feeder, nex turn call of the herd (and brought me down to 10) i eot gifts ungive for maze of it + 3 black mana source (i had damnation in hand, but only 1 B). damnation for board sweeper. he then played ravenous baloth, i played demonic tutor for LFTL -> maze in play. he played spiritmonger. i played shriekmaw on his baloth. by this time i had the LFTL + cycle lands engine (although didn´t use the all the time) he eventually played visara got mana drained and with the mana of my mana drain played FOF -> for exalted (morphed) he played skeletal vampire that got counterspelled. i unmorph and attacked, next turn he played putrefy i put exalted on top with stronghold. he played eternal witness that got dromar charmed. after that he conceded. i had to much board/card advantage. Not as good as the two other games. but gg.

Can´t wait to play the 3rd ;)

here´s  our security codes:

Raistlin[PT]'s Security Code: 06D46BAD [Type 1]
MErcator's Security Code: DFC2FDF3 [???]

p.s. sorry for the long post. but these were 2 excellent games :)
i´ll edited the thread after the 3rd game is played.

edited: added game 3


Sturmgott (U/R Dragonstax) vs. Ludwitch (U/B Reanimator) 2:1

Game 1 he duresses me first turn. Afterwards he's stuck on two Swamps for a long time and I ask myself what he might be playing, but I draw nothing combolike. Instead I have a giant Mana Setup + Mind's Eye. Then he entombs Angel of Despair, plays Life/Death and destroys the eye. I play Dragonstorm with no copies and Bogardan Hellkite kills the Angel.

Next turn he edicts me. After that I play Rorix and attack for 6. Next turn he reanimates my Hellkite and kills Rorix. Somehow I win after that.

Turn 2 I get nothing going, not even Mana Acc. Instead he reanimates Fatties, I concede.

Game 3 was strange. He sets up with two lands and Looter-Il-Kor. Since I have no good alternative, I play Burning of Xinye, leaving him with an empty board. The next six (!!) turns I draw Lands resp. Artifact Mana. He is on seven life when I finally find Rolling Earthquake ftw.


Nastaboi UGw Heartbeat vs. Sturmgott RU Dragonstax

Sturmgott goes first and just plays artifact mana after artifact mana. I tutor Wake and play it on my 4th turn tapping myself out. Then he plays Dragonstorm for five copies, and I feel stupid with two counters in my hand. Not that they would help any, he had like 12 mana on boad to begin with.

2nd game, I countered his Worn Powerstone while ramping my own mana. I tutored Heartbeat turn four, played it and time walked in the following, and went off with a big stroke.

We both accelerated into some draw in the third spell. The key play here was when I could have tapped out for Wake on my fourth turn, but opted to Scroll for Delay instead. I delayed his Personal Tutor, because I knew he had a cycling card in hand, and went off the following turn.

Funny games, not very interactive though.
Quote0:13:51 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi plays Invincible Hymn from Hand
0:14:25 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi's life total is now 221 (+213)


Quote from: Sturmgott on 25-01-2009, 10:41:37 PM
Sturmgott (U/R Dragonstax) vs. Ludwitch (U/B Reanimator) 2:1

State-of-the-art is (at least) a short report. Thx in advance.
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


coldcrow (G/B/R - CIP deck) : grizzledmage (mono-R sligh)


game 1: MWS didn't want me to have lands so I had to mull down to 5 and subsequently lost to a barrage of beats/burn/wasteland.

game 2: Much better hand. He wasn't too fast out of the gates so I had a chance at withstanding the assault :). I countered his taurean mauler with a 5 mana shriekmaw. He went to topdeck mode after killing four 1/1 with an alternate costed pyrokinesis. An oath of ghouls on my side sealed the deal though since he didn't draw any meaningful cards.

game 3: Again not too fast opening on his side let me set up survival this time. kitchen finks gave me staying power and a terminate countered his demigod ;). Then he tapped out for a burn spell.. (he had 2 more in hand)  sending me to 5. After contemplating over the probability of him holding Fireblast I realized that I ahd no other chance to tap my painland for survival, seeking out a keldon champion. Turned out he had only flame javelin and magma burst, so my team dealt 12 damage next attack phase, winning me the game.


coldcrow (mono-B aggro) : Nkiro (GWR - ?)


game 1: I reworked my Suicide Black, worked out great. turn 1 ritual, ebon drake. turn 2 black knight. turn 3 choking sands.... he never got to play a spell :(

game 2: kept a weird hand with no creatures but duress, pox, cursed scroll, skeletal scying. next turn i draw thoughtseize! I got rid of his most threatening cards (idyllic tutor, ensnaring bridge) then casted pox when he was at 4 lands. Nevertheless he drew more lands but no spells... he removed my prowler with StP but I had dathi slayer plus ashenmoor gouger. Then he amde a 5/5 elemental with call the skybreaker... I ended the race with attacking him to 5 life.. then kaerveks spite ;).

I have to say kaerveks spite is a must in any Suicide Black... won me 2 games out of 4 alone in this league.


pyyhttu (Heartbeat-combo) vs. grizzledmage (Gb-beatdown stompy) 2-0

1st. Game: Grizzledmage started and went with Sensei's Divining Top but was slightly mana screwed after this. I played a second turn Wall of Roots and on the following turn Heartbeat of Spring. Grizzled had River Boa, Basking Rootwalla and some third creature in play at the end. I got plenty of time to setup the board for the combo. I eventually fetched with Gifts Palinchron, Early Harvest, Delay and Nostalgic Dreams (I had Braingeyser in hand already) and amassed enough mana for the deadly geyser.

2nd. Game: MWS crashed as I was just finished executing my upkeep gifts which quite probably would have ended the game for my favor, don't know. Screenshotted.

Trivia question: What are the 4 correct Gift cards in that game state?

We started the second game again and this time grizzledmage started with first turn Tattermunge Maniac, second turn Wren's Run Vanquisher, third turn Twinblade Slasher and eot Scryb Ranger and 4th turn Creakwood Liege, ouch. I resolved first turn Ponder, second turn Brainstorm and suspended Search for tomorrow and from there just barely via Helm of Awakening, Heartbeat and Gifts went for fifth turn win. Before this I had bought some time with Lull and Capture of Zhingzhou (or something). Gifts pile was Palinchron, 2 regrowths and Memory Lapse (I had Braingeyser already in my hand again).


MErcator (Rock) vs. Coldcrow (BUR)
0 : 2

First game was sedraxis spector turn 3 for him. i had only worldy tutor, but only removal for nonblack creatures. When i could play Visara, Masticore and Bane of the Living he had allways a counter ready, so i died to specter and nezumi shortfang.

2nd game i started with river boa, but he bounced her sometime and got rid of her via hymn. I had Oblivion Stone and Profane command, but waited, as he had no relevant creature in play. He bounced my hypnotic and got rid of command an hyppie with mind shatter (left me with 2 lands in hand =( )
After that i drew 3 creatures in the next 8 rounds, blew the stone and died afterwards to shadowmage with sword fire/ice.

gg's anyways

Georg B

Georg (Ying Yang Weeny) vs. Sturmgott (UR DragonStaxx)


First game I had first turn Isamaru plus Svannah Lions powered by Mox Diamond.
When he got his 6 Giblin Tokens from Empty the Warrens, there were already two creatures with protection from red on my side of the field, with him on 5 lifes left. game!

In the third turn, I had a first turn land tax and some critters.
When he got tapped out, I played Winter Orb. He had a Crumpling Sanctury, but I could mill 15 cards per turn at the end.
When he got his Wildfire I had the Burrenton Forge-Tender.


Quote from: pyyhttu on 26-01-2009, 10:57:58 PM
2nd. Game: MWS crashed as I was just finished executing my upkeep gifts which quite probably would have ended the game for my favor, don't know. Screenshotted.

Trivia question: What are the 4 correct Gift cards in that game state?

I have absolutely no idea why you Gifted on your upkeep and not main. You could have drawn something that you might want to play first, or you could generate 5 extra mana with Rude Awakening, and then win from there. This Gifts has many options, easiest one being maybe Time Warp and three regrowths.

Nastaboi U Skies vs. Mythrandir His Usual

2 - 1

I chose the deck because I know Mythrandir loves playing agains B2B decks. I have a Looter which meets FTK as soon as I tap out. I follow up with Wake Thrasher, misdirect his Helix to kavu and counter everything he play.

Mythrandir begins second game by playing Hide and Seek with his favourite card in my library. I tap his lands with Pestermite and Tangle Wire, but can't make real pressure as I hunger for more mana myself. His Tabernacle slows me down enormously, and he gets Trygon Predator to nuck down my artifact mana while I can only beat him with Venser and Mutavault. Then he turns the race on his favor with Hierarch and Jund Charm, and I am forced to Gifts 3 control magics. I die to attack + Lightning Helix before I can use them.

Mythrandir mulligans to six in the last game, but has Shriekmaw for my Looter, which I had counted on to optimize my hand. Then we play land-go dozens of turns. I have just Equipments and Shackles, and when I finally draw Sea Drake, I have to fight a counterwar upon it only to see its Damnation. Later I draw Trinket Mage which gets Needle, but he responds with Tarmogoyf and marks it as 6/7. I have just four islands, but I try to get it with Treachery. He counterspells, I Snare it, he plays Dissipate, I look at my lone untapped land with Remand, Chrome Mox and Foil in hand. Then I look at graves and realize that before treachery, there were no enchantments nor artifacts on there, which means that Tarmo were just 4/5 and I didn't have to play the spell first place! I feel rather annoyed, but it is my duty to know how much power it has.

Mythrandir beats me to seven when I draw a Masticore, which hits him to one following turn. I have 4 mana and Negate, Kira and Needle. He has Tarmogoyf and Mishra's Factory. I decide to play Kira and Needle on Factory so that I don't fall to Sudden Shock. He attacks, I chump, and he plays a Moat. But I draw Nexus before he finds Demonfire.

Thanks for GG's!
Quote0:13:51 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi plays Invincible Hymn from Hand
0:14:25 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi's life total is now 221 (+213)


Sturmgott (UR Dragonstax) vs. Mercator (Rock) 2-1

After endless buggy tries to play our first game in which I always drew cards from Mercator's Deck and vice versa (always when he had opened the game), we finally - after some more MWS crashes - managed to play.

All games were rather uninteresting.

First game I'm screwed with alot of 6+ CC spells on my hand. When I finally find Worn Powerstone, he has removal for it. I'm pissed off and concede.

Second game he loses to Empty the Warrens (6 Tokens) and the two follow-up dragons, played from hand.

Last game he loses vs. Triskelion, Karn, + Dragonstorm 2 for Rorix and Predator Dragon, which eats Trisk + Karn for 17 damage in that turn (Trisk shot his counters before being eaten).


QuoteI chose the deck because I know Mythrandir loves playing agains B2B decks

hahah, i´m so in love with them, that if i were rich i´d buy every single copy of it :P

QuoteI have a Looter which meets FTK as soon as I tap out. I follow up with Wake Thrasher, misdirect his Helix to kavu and counter everything he play.
You were packed with counters =/.. wake trasher is really nice, never saw  it in action. good card.

Quoteand I am forced to Gifts 3 control magics.

see, gifts is not = wins :P

QuoteMythrandir mulligans to six in the last game

darn MWS. 12 cards (new mull rule) and 1 land? ohh, well, his game was far from perfect.. we ended up playing by top, and the odds were in his favor. ;)

sry for that goyf thing. =/ it´s kind of nice that you took the win, otherwise it would have been unfair =/

GGs. At least i didnt die to B2B


Quote from: NastaboiI have absolutely no idea why you Gifted on your upkeep and not main.

I'm not sure anymore (early morning here) but somehow remember that I knew at that game state my top card was a forest (...because of a recent Brainstorm) and didn't want to draw yet another land. Thus opted to search and shuffle on upkeep and maybe draw something better.

QuoteThis Gifts has many options, easiest one being maybe Time Warp and three regrowths.

No... can't see how that would make the correct play here as I would most probably end up with 1 regrowth and eternal witness and it doesn't seem to be enough to kill him reliably from there (20 life and one trading blocker).


Quote from: pyyhttu on 27-01-2009, 07:16:34 AM
QuoteThis Gifts has many options, easiest one being maybe Time Warp and three regrowths.

No... can't see how that would make the correct play here as I would most probably end up with 1 regrowth and eternal witness and it doesn't seem to be enough to kill him reliably from there (20 life and one trading blocker).

Land, Rude for mana, regrowth Time Warp and Gifts, untap, draw, land, gifts again FTW. With this play, I would love to draw a basic land, because that allows me to reach six lands with Time Warp and go infinite with Palinchron. I seldom kill with Rude anyway.
Quote0:13:51 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi plays Invincible Hymn from Hand
0:14:25 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi's life total is now 221 (+213)


Right on, insightful! After morning coffee this makes now more sense > your comment lured me to think you meant Rude Awakening as a kill condition. Gifts ftw.