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Messages - W0lf

I vote for spoil mulligan and against senseless tnn ban.

Try this if you want to play a fun deck.
New Editions / Re: M15
16-07-2014, 02:29:10 AM
So yeah I was interested in the hype about the generator servant and decided to play a few test games in a deck that could play him. So far I am rly impressed, not only is he a 2/1 for only 2 mana which is already format warping in itself,what really breaks the card is that you just have to wait one turn to tao it to create instant card disadvantage. Everyone knows mana stones are a trap but this thing is insane, it hss summoning sickness and you are able to use it only once. During my testing i was even able to chump block a wurmcoil engine, this card is so broken even ww should splash it. I already ordered a japanese foil set signed by richard garfield. Best card since black lotus...
Reports / Re: Highlander Tournaments in Berlin
18-06-2014, 09:39:35 PM
Why do you play grieselbrands hound?
1. Wasteland
2. Fetchlands
3. Mystical/enlightened/worldly tutor
Reports / Re: Highlander Tournaments in Berlin
05-06-2014, 09:23:33 PM

1 Christoph 9 Gaea´s Academy of mystical channel stuff
2 Niclas 6 Leechridden Swamp Aggro
3 Jonny 6 Archangel`s Twinpattern feat. Melira " Defense of the Heart"
4 Luca 4 RUG 5 Mountain Twinshift into Timeout
5 Matze 4 Mono White Academy
6 Malte 3 RG traurige Beater
7 Thomas 3 last year´s Pattern Rector
8 Tobias 0 Bonesplitter Elves
Reports / Re: Highlander Tournaments in Berlin
17-05-2014, 06:12:54 PM
Christoph 7 rug artifacts
Thomas 7 bant
Luca 6 uwr midrange
Jan 6 4c zoo
Malte 3 rg beatz
Leon 3 monog ramp

Cedric 0-2 drop junk
Jonny 0-2 drop esper variance
New Editions / Re: Journey into Nyx
24-04-2014, 08:00:03 PM
Maybe in some kind of aggro Control deck with Opposition and pestermite, so you don't have to attack  to trigger him.
New Editions / Re: Journey into Nyx
24-04-2014, 01:29:00 PM
You can discard a sword of the meek and search for thopter foundry. Doesn't sound bad at all to me.
I like were this is going, can someone here state any reasons why gifts should be unbanned/stay banned?
1.Stall infinitly
2. Play gifts ungiven
4. Profit

Sounds fair to me.:-D
A because reasons
You obviously didn"t play enough hl to make sense here .Knowing when to take a mulligan  decides the games now even more than before. I'm sry but your perception of the game mechanics is too out of place for me to understand. Don't reply to this, i read enough bs for today thanks...
Free mulligan changed highlander to some kind of weird limited like format. I tend to mulligan alot now, often down to 5 cards just to get that one broken start like elve into geist of saint draft which will end the game in my favour very very often. Also 2 colored fast decks seem to be decent again. Control decks suffer from time outs way to often because additional mulligans consume more time now. It's just a whole different game and has nothing in common with old spoils hl.
The point list could be used as an addition to the ban list, other formats have banned and restricted lists too. You could point fetchlands for example or a bunch of other cards for precise balancing.