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Started by Vazdru, 13-01-2010, 10:19:16 PM

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Sturmgott (Elves!) vs. Sir Galahad (Non-Red Survival) 3:2

Game 1 I win because his Mind Twist 4 leaves me exactly the win card: Overrun.

Game 2 I win with the combo. His Spike Weaver prevents me from winning the same turn, but my Kamahl animates his lands in his upkeep and End of Turn so the staff can tap his mana out.

Game 3 I lose to an early 3/4 Tarmogoyf and later a Rhox War Monk and a Baneslayer Angel. I was totally flooded in that game.

Game 4 I lose to the opposite: Screw. When I try to find into the game and play Pact for Priest, he counters the pries and bounced one of my two green mana sources, so I lose to the Pact.

Game 5 I win because I can Natural Order for Progenitus when he has no mana available for countering.



Nastaboi High Tide vs. Marchhare 5c Goodstuff Control

3 - 2

The report will take a while as the games were very long. The deciding one alone took one and half hour! Thanks to Marchhare for a fair match.
Quote0:13:51 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi plays Invincible Hymn from Hand
0:14:25 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi's life total is now 221 (+213)


Quote from: Vazdru on 13-01-2010, 10:19:16 PM
Pairings: (seed)


a) Sturmgott 3 (one) - SirGalahad 2 (eight)

b) Nastaboi 3 (four) - marchhare 2 (five)

c) Payron 3 (three) - Mythrandir 2 (six)

d) Goblinpiledriver 3 (two) - -jfk- 0 (seven)


Sturmgott - Nastaboi
Payron - Goblinpiledriver


last man standing

So all higher seeded players advanced to semis.

Congratz to Payron, Goblinpiledriver, Nastaboi and Sturmgott.

Plz try to play the semifinals during March.
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Goblin Piledriver(Domain-aggro)      vs      Payron (Boros)

Game1: Payron is beginnig takes mulligan on 5
T1: Savannah Lion  --  Birds of Paradise
T2:                             --  Lotus Cobra + Watchwolf
T3: Kami of Ancient Law  --  Bitterblossom + Wasteland(Plateau)
T4: Mother of Runes(got Magma Jet)
T5: Beckon Apparition      --   Rafiq of the Many
T6:   ...

Watchwolf + Rafiq ended it quickly.

Game2: Payron is beginning
T1: Savannah Lions         --  Lightning Bolt(Lions)
T2: Silver Knight               --  Tarmogoyf
T3: Beckon Apparition    -- Survival of the Fittest
T4: Spectral Procession  --  Demonic Tutor +  Goblin Guide
T5: Knight of the White Orchid  --   Man-o'-War
T6: Burst Lightning + Lightning Bolt ...

I was a little screwed and Payron had Spectral Prossesion + 2 Burnspells.

Game3: Goblin Piledriver is beginning
T1: Fyndhorn Elves
T2: Anurid Brushhopper  --  Knight of the Holy Nimbus
T3. Lightning Bolt(Knight) --  Magus of the Moon
T4: Treetop Village + Tribal Flames(1 for Magus)  --  Rishadan Port  + Ronom Unicorn
T5: Jenara, Asura of War   --  Wasteland + Grim Lavamancer
T6:                                         --  Chain Lightning(Jenara)
T7: Joiner Adept + Eladamri's Call  ...

I defeated Magus of the Moon with Tribal Flames for 1! Afterwards Jenara + Treetop Village won this game for me.

Game4: Payron is beginning takes Mulligan on 5
T1: Figure of Destiny  --  Fyndhorn Elves
T2:                                 --  Dark Confidant
T3: Bonesplitter           --  Man-o'-War(Figure)
T4: Figure of Destiny  --  Elspeth, Knight-Errant
T5:  ...

Payron was srewed on 1 Land. I drawed normal.
Throw enough goblins at any problem and it should go away. At the very least, there'll be fewer goblins.


Just to mention that I am a pretty unlucky player today ... I didn t played WW it was like so often Boros ... and I lost first game to screw, second game to flood and thrid game to screw ... was kind of wierd today o_O


Throw enough goblins at any problem and it should go away. At the very least, there'll be fewer goblins.


@ Sturmgott / Nastaboi

plz try to play your semifinal in the next 10 days

thx in advance!

just a clarification:

of course you are allowed to play your deck beyond April 15th although it maybe become illegal with next bannings  ;)
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


NNOOO not Spellweaver Volute!

We'll try to arrange something.
Quote0:13:51 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi plays Invincible Hymn from Hand
0:14:25 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi's life total is now 221 (+213)


Nastaboi - Sturmgott 3 - 0

I have sad news from Sturmgott. He has to tone down his online activities and could not find time to play, so he conceeded the match. Naturally, I would have liked to play it out, but now we can have the finals.
Quote0:13:51 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi plays Invincible Hymn from Hand
0:14:25 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi's life total is now 221 (+213)


Quote from: Vazdru on 13-01-2010, 10:19:16 PM
Pairings: (seed)


a) Sturmgott 3 (one) - SirGalahad 2 (eight)

b) Nastaboi 3 (four) - marchhare 2 (five)

c) Payron 3 (three) - Mythrandir 2 (six)

d) Goblinpiledriver 3 (two) - -jfk- 0 (seven)


Sturmgott (one) 0 - Nastaboi (four) 3
Payron (three) 1 - Goblinpiledriver (two) 3


Nastaboi vs Goblinpiledriver

so let the battle begin ... :)
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


As GoblinPiledriver requested, I should write longer report from my first match against Marchhare. Here are the first two games, enjoy!

I won the roll and we both got Divining Tops. Unfortunately Marchhare got also Library via Weathered Wayfarer. I countered his Demonic and started playing draw spells. I transmuted into High Tide but he responded with Glen Elendra and I still had no more counters in sight. Then he sought for Karakas with Wayfarer. I played Intuition in his combat and showed him Gigadrowse, Plumeveil and Man-o'-War, which I got to keep. I tried to play it, he had Snake, I played Delay
which he Archmage'd. I resolved High Tide and played Braingeysir for five with just an Island untapped. He FOW'd and I countered it, drawing nothing scary. He added Vendilion Clique to the beatings, and I scooped after he tutored and played Gaddod Teeg to boot.

I began 2nd game with a mulligan into Top. Marchhare started vith Visions and Eladamri's Call for Archmage. I used to play a deck which had exactly same game plan. Then he untapped and played Doran which I had to Lapse first and Miscalculate following turn. Next turn he had both Visions and Archmage coming. I had Remand and Counterspell, but of course he had FoW and Archmage resolved. I had tried Clique in his combat, but he had another counter. That was his only blue source though, and Top showed me some serious business. I played my sixth land, Scrolled for High Tide, and played my last card: Time Spiral FTW.

Tune in for the last three games someday later!
Quote0:13:51 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi plays Invincible Hymn from Hand
0:14:25 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi's life total is now 221 (+213)


we are still waiting for the final report  ;) let us know who becomes the Highlander of our league 2009  :)

Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Sorry, still no final match report, but going to finish my first round one.

G3: Marchhare began with mulligan and we both had Tops spinning. My Force Spike on his T3 Trygon Predator caught him totally off guard. We played draw-go for a while, his rearranging top with fetchlands, me with various cantrips. He drew Demonic, I countered with Rewind, he Drained and Mind Twisted my hand off in his second main phase. I continued cantripping, and he had End Step Mindcensor followed by Eladamri's call to Teeg, which I Lapsed. I had to try it. I played Heartbeat and Spiral, but he Mana Leaked the Spiral and played Teeg AND Glen Elendra next turn. The defeat followed shortly after.

Marchhare went to six again while I mulled none. He had Library though, and started using it while all I did was to play lands and transmute into High Tide. Force Spike got his Eladamri's Call on my End Step, and he Mana Leaked my End Step Careful Consideration. I drew no sixth land, but went for it nevertheless. High Tide resolved, Turnabout got answered by Tainted Pact that fizzled and he was forced to Misdirect it, but I had Spell Pierce waiting. I Intuitioned for some untappers and fooled him to give me Peregrine Drake, as I was able to build up storm count with bouncing and replaying it before Twistering. I cantripped twice and played Geysir for seven, Draining his Force in response. I untapped some more lands, then Meditated, transmuted into Frantic Search, played Deep Analysis, and finally showed him Desire which would be over 30 copies.

Marchhare began with Top again in the final game, and got Trygon Predator to stick this time. I transmuted into High Tide and we both had strong hands, but I had to go for family reasons and leave the deciding game two days later.

This one was rather epic. Marchhare had Top AGAIN. And Gaddok Teeg. I tried to block kill it with Vedilion Clique, but he Pathed it effect in the stack. His remaining hand was Knight of the Reliquary, Eladamri's Call and Survival. WTF? I took the obvious but had only Mana Leak to stop the inevitable Archmage, which I had to use to Tainted Pact he drew. He fetched Archmage in his upkeep and Loam engine in his next one. Propaganda kept him from attacking so he preferred Loam-Topping. This was going to last long, and I had a trick from my sleeve: Gigadrowse. I only had to draw into combo and bounce Teeg somehow.

I got Spiral but no Tide, and as he got a big Knight I Gigadrowsed his hand and Withdrew his critters. I resolved Spiral through his FOW, drew nothing, and went into beatdown mode with Palinchron and Peregrine Drake. Unimpressed, Marchhare countered with Vendilion Clique and Maze, and I had to rebuild my combo again. We played draw-go and I countered all his big threats, but he got Teeg into play once again, and then Trinket Mage fetching Crypt. He had no hand and I have a full grip of cards that do nothing. My Venser got Drained but I transmuted into Chain of Vapor which resolved, and enabled me to play Fact into: Delay, Repeal, Regrowth, Thirst, Gifts.

He was about to give me Repeal+Gifts which would have singlehandely won me the game, pouncing Crypt and Gifts FTW. He split Gifts+Thirst and Repeal+Delay+Regrowth. I took the latter and instantly made him use Crypt. Then I finally Top into Tide. I played it, took 1 000 000 mana, found Geysir after first draw spell and showed him three counterspells I had left.

The final game lasted one an half hours, and Top was used 48 times in that game alone. Readable full game log attached. Enjoy!
Quote0:13:51 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi plays Invincible Hymn from Hand
0:14:25 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi's life total is now 221 (+213)



Nastaboi High Tide vs. Goblinpiledriver 5c Blade

3 - 2

I won the roll and Delayed his Bitterblossom. He had not much pressure so I Scrolled for Gifts, played it End Step for Tide/Spiral/two regrowths and went of easily two turns later. I was even able to Intuition for Palinchron to make it infinite before Spiraling.

He started with Goblin Guide 2nd game followed up with Lotus Cobra. He had no 3rd land though, and my Cloud of Faeries kept Cobra at bay. I could not make it past 4th land drop either, and he started drawing lands. He played Jenara, I Man-'o-Wared it, he played both Tangle Wire and Jenara, I had Chain of Vapor on Wire and next turn Cryptic Command for both. Eventually I drew some lands, and when he had lethal damage I played Tide and started going off with Spellweaver Volute. It took some time but eventually he conceeded.

Goblinpldvr had a really fast start with Purid Leech, which was soon followed by Jund Hackblade, taking me to three. I had High Tide and Spiral but just 4 lands, and I after Spiral and some draw spells I still had no fifth land. I could bounce both his critters but he promptly dealt the remaining three with Ajani Vengeant.

I had a great hand: T1 Force Spike, T2 Mana Leak, T3 transmute into Tide. Unfortunately I drew only land and had to go for it with no other gas but Concentrate, which drew me even more lands. I didn't find gas soon enough and was dead.

He had first turn Wild Nacatl but no mountain, and I was in no hurry as I countered his two-drop and Scrolled for Gifts, getting Tide/Spiral/Regrowths again. He had 2/2 Nacatl, Brushhopper and Bant Sureblade. I was at 11. I Relearned Tide and played Cloud of Faeries. He got Shriekmaw and attacked in for eight. I went off with spiral, which gave me Heartbeat along with Desire for eight. Desire revealed Remand and couple of Regrowths, and next Desire was for 25 and prompted a concession. GG's.

I'll take the fetchlands.  ;)
Quote0:13:51 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi plays Invincible Hymn from Hand
0:14:25 [Nastaboi] Nastaboi's life total is now 221 (+213)