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[HLL]Pairings - Season VI

Started by Vazdru, 12-04-2009, 01:34:52 PM

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    * ICQ Number (1. week)
    * First Name (2. week)
    * Nickname (3. week)
    * [HLL]Ranking - Season IV (4. week)
    * Checksum ICQ Number (5. week)
    * Last Name (6. week)
    * [HLL]Ladder (7. week)
    * Back starting on top (8. week)

There won't be any Rematches as long we stay 14 or more participants.

First week (ICQ):
1 Sturmgott - Outlaw 2:0
2 Sturmgott - Georg B 2:1
3 Vazdru - Georg B 2:1
4 Vazdru - Mythrandir 0:2
5 Payron - Mythrandir 2:1

6 Payron - lio123 2:0
7 pyyhttu - lio123 1:2
8 ANNULLED pyyhttu - rooobiee
9 Gobinpiledriver - rooobiee 2:1
10 Gobinpiledriver - codexx 2:0
11 ANNULLED Ferris - codexx
12 Ferris - Sensenmann 2:1
13 Nastaboi - Sensenmann 2:0
14 Nastaboi - Outlaw 0:2

1   Frank   Topel   91309598   Germany   Sturmgott
2   Gerry   Stahl   145444190   Germany   Vazdru
3   Jan   Münch   243004798   Germany   Payron
4   Tuomas   Pyyhtia   274408242   Finland   pyyhttu
5   Jochen   Korbel   330386576   Germany   Gobinpiledriver
6   Robert   Oelmann   342818706   Germany   Ferris
7   Juha   Ihonen   353787053   Finland   Nastaboi
8   Miha   Kapus   366285460   Slovenia   Outlaw
9   Georg   Beltle   374556263   Germany   Georg B
10   João   Matos   378577689   Portugal   Mythrandir
11   Martin   Pelikan   395606000   Czech Republic   lio123
12   Robert   Benes   447359084   Germany   rooobiee
13   Stefan   Skowronek   563484914   Germany   codexx
14   Ansgar   Dickers   577861174   Germany   Sensenmann

Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Second week (First Name):

1 Sensenmann - Doc 2:1
2 Sensenmann - peeler 2:1
3 Sturmgott - peeler 2:1
4 Sturmgott - lio123 0:2
5 Georg B - lio123 2:1
6 Georg B - Outlaw 0:2

7 Vazdru - Outlaw 0:2
8 Vazdru - Kassow-Rossing 0:2
9 Payron - Kassow-Rossing 0:2
10 ANNULLED Payron - rooobiee
11 jaro - rooobiee 0:2
12 ANNULLED jaro - Ferris
13 ANNULLED Mythrandir - Ferris

14 Mythrandir - codexx 2:0
15 Gobinpiledriver - pyyhttu 1:2
16 Gobinpiledriver - Nastaboi 1:2

17 Nastaboi - codexx 2:0
18 Doc - pyyhttu 2:0
19 ANNULLED jaro - Doc
20 peeler - Kassow-Rossing 2:0

The 4 new participants each got an additional pairing this week.

Ansgar   Dickers   577861174   Germany   Sensenmann
Frank   Topel   91309598   Germany   Sturmgott
Georg   Beltle   374556263   Germany   Georg B
Gerry   Stahl   145444190   Germany   Vazdru
Jan   Münch   243004798   Germany   Payron
Jaroslav   Vorožbjanskij   315528185   Czech Republic   jaro
João   Matos   378577689   Portugal   Mythrandir
Jochen   Korbel   330386576   Germany   Gobinpiledriver
Juha   Ihonen   353787053   Finland   Nastaboi
Martin   Maties   375986359   Germany   Doc
Martin   Peeler   219361745   Germany   peeler
Martin   Pelikan   395606000   Czech Republic   lio123
Miha   Kapus   366285460   Slovenia   Outlaw
Patrick   Kassow   587256724   Denmark   Kassow-Rossing
Robert   Benes   447359084   Germany   rooobiee
Robert   Oelmann   342818706   Germany   Ferris
Stefan   Skowronek   563484914   Germany   codexx
Tuomas   Pyyhtia   274408242   Finland   pyyhttu
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Week 3 (nick)   

1 ANNULLED codexx - Outlaw
2 ANNULLED codexx - Payron

3 Doc - Payron 0:2
4 ANNULLED Doc - peeler
5 ANNULLED Ferris - peeler
6 ANNULLED Ferris - pyyhttu

7 Georg B - pyyhttu 2:1
8 ANNULLED Georg B - rooobiee
9 ANNULLED Gobinpiledriver - saptox
10 Gobinpiledriver - Sensenmann 2:0
11 ANNULLED jaro - saptox
12 ANNULLED jaro - Sensenmann
13 Kassow-Rossing - Sturmgott 0:2
14 Kassow-Rossing - Nastaboi 2:0
15 lio123 - Vazdru 0:2
16 lio123 - Nastaboi 0:2
17 Mythrandir - rooobiee 0:2
18 Mythrandir - Outlaw 1:2
19 Vazdru - Sturmgott 1:2
20 ANNULLED saptox - Kassow-Rossing
21 ANNULLED saptox - peeler

Additional pairings for saptox (2x), Kassow-Rossing and peeler.

1   Stefan   Skowronek   563484914   Germany   codexx
2   Martin   Maties   375986359   Germany   Doc
3   Robert   Oelmann   342818706   Germany   Ferris
4   Georg   Beltle   374556263   Germany   Georg B
5   Jochen   Korbel   330386576   Germany   Gobinpiledriver
6   Jaroslav   Vorožbjanskij   315528185   Czech Republic   jaro
7   Patrick   Kassow   587256724   Denmark   Kassow-Rossing
8   Martin   Pelikan   395606000   Czech Republic   lio123
9   João   Matos   378577689   Portugal   Mythrandir
10   Juha   Ihonen   353787053   Finland   Nastaboi
11   Miha   Kapus   366285460   Slovenia   Outlaw
12   Jan   Münch   243004798   Germany   Payron
13   Martin   Peeler   219361745   Germany   peeler
14   Tuomas   Pyyhtia   274408242   Finland   pyyhttu
15   Robert   Benes   447359084   Germany   rooobiee
16   Martin   Jørgensen   559823676   Denmark   saptox
17   Ansgar   Dickers   577861174   Germany   Sensenmann
18   Frank   Topel   91309598   Germany   Sturmgott
19   Gerry   Stahl   145444190   Germany   Vazdru

Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Week 4 (Ranking)

1 ANNULLED Outlaw - rooobiee
2 Outlaw - Gobinpiledriver 1:2
3 ANNULLED Nastaboi - peeler
4 Nastaboi - Georg B 2:1
5 Sturmgott - pyyhttu 1:2
6 Sturmgott - Doc 2:1
7 Kassow-Rossing - pyyhttu 2:1
8 Kassow-Rossing - Doc 0:2

9 ANNULLED Payron - jaro
10 Payron - saptox 2:1
11 Mythrandir - jaro 2:1
12 ANNULLED Mythrandir - saptox
13 Sensenmann - lio123 2:0
14 Sensenmann - rooobiee 2:0
15 ANNULLED lio123 - Ferris
16 ANNULLED Ferris - Gobinpiledriver
17 ANNULLED peeler - Vazdru
18 ANNULLED Georg B - codexx
19 ANNULLED Vazdru - codexx

Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Week 5 (ICQ checksum)

1 lio123 - Gobinpiledriver 2:0
2 lio123 - rooobiee 2:1
3 Sturmgott - Nastaboi 2:0
4 ANNULLED Sturmgott - rooobiee
5 Vazdru - Sensenmann 0:2
6 ANNULLED Vazdru - saptox
7 ANNULLED pyyhttu - codexx
8 pyyhttu - Sensenmann 1:2
9 Payron - Georg B 2:1
10 Payron - Gobinpiledriver 1:2
11 ANNULLED peeler - Outlaw
12 ANNULLED peeler - Mythrandir

13 ANNULLED jaro - Kassow-Rossing
14 ANNULLED jaro - Outlaw

15 ANNULLED Ferris - saptox
16 ANNULLED Ferris - Georg B

17 ANNULLED codexx - Kassow-Rossing
18 Doc - Nastaboi 1:2
19 Doc - Mythrandir 1:2

1   Martin   Pelikan   395606000   Czech Republic   lio123   29
2   Frank   Topel   91309598   Germany   Sturmgott   32
3   Gerry   Stahl   145444190   Germany   Vazdru   32
4   Tuomas   Pyyhtia   274408242   Finland   pyyhttu   33
5   Jan   Münch   243004798   Germany   Payron   37
6   Martin   Peeler   219361745   Germany   peeler   38
7   Jaroslav   Vorožbjanskij   315528185   Czech Republic   jaro   38
8   Robert   Oelmann   342818706   Germany   Ferris   39
9   Miha   Kapus   366285460   Slovenia   Outlaw   40
10   Jochen   Korbel   330386576   Germany   Gobinpiledriver   41
11   Juha   Ihonen   353787053   Finland   Nastaboi   41
12   Georg   Beltle   374556263   Germany   Georg B   41
13   Robert   Benes   447359084   Germany   rooobiee   44
14   Stefan   Skowronek   563484914   Germany   codexx   44
15   Ansgar   Dickers   577861174   Germany   Sensenmann   44
16   Patrick   Kassow   587256724   Denmark   Kassow-Rossing   46
17   Martin   Jørgensen   559823676   Denmark   saptox   51
18   Martin   Maties   375986359   Germany   Doc   55
19   João   Matos   378577689   Portugal   Mythrandir   60

Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Week 6 (last name)

1 Georg B - Mythrandir 2:1
2 ANNULLED Georg B - peeler
3 ANNULLED rooobiee - Ferris
4 ANNULLED rooobiee - peeler
5 ANNULLED Sensenmann - codexx

6 Sensenmann - Sturmgott 0:2
7 Nastaboi - pyyhttu 2:1
8 Nastaboi - Vazdru 1:2
9 ANNULLED saptox - lio123
10 ANNULLED saptox - pyyhttu

11 Outlaw - Kassow-Rossing 2:0
12 Outlaw - Doc 1:2
13 ANNULLED Kassow-Rossing - Gobinpiledriver
14 Gobinpiledriver - Vazdru 1:2
15 Doc - Gobinpiledriver 0:2
16 Mythrandir - lio123 2:1
17 Payron - Sturmgott 2:0
18 Payron - pyyhttu 2:0

19 ANNULLED codexx - jaro
20 ANNULLED Doc - Ferris
21 ANNULLED jaro - peeler

additional pairings for Jaro, Doc, Goblinpiledriver and pyyhttu

Georg   Beltle   374556263   Germany   Georg B
Robert   Benes   447359084   Germany   rooobiee
Ansgar   Dickers   577861174   Germany   Sensenmann
Juha   Ihonen   353787053   Finland   Nastaboi
Martin   Jørgensen   559823676   Denmark   saptox
Miha   Kapus   366285460   Slovenia   Outlaw
Patrick   Kassow   587256724   Denmark   Kassow-Rossing
Jochen   Korbel   330386576   Germany   Gobinpiledriver
Martin   Maties   375986359   Germany   Doc
João   Matos   378577689   Portugal   Mythrandir
Jan   Münch   243004798   Germany   Payron
Robert   Oelmann   342818706   Germany   Ferris
Martin   Peeler   219361745   Germany   peeler
Martin   Pelikan   395606000   Czech Republic   lio123
Tuomas   Pyyhtia   274408242   Finland   pyyhttu
Stefan   Skowronek   563484914   Germany   codexx
Gerry   Stahl   145444190   Germany   Vazdru
Frank   Topel   91309598   Germany   Sturmgott
Jaroslav   Vorožbjanskij   315528185   Czech Republic   jaro

Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Week 7 (ladder)

1 ANNULLED Nastaboi - rooobiee
2 ANNULLED Nastaboi - Ferris
3 Payron - Sensenmann 1:2
4 ANNULLED Payron - Peeler
5 ANNULLED Vazdru - rooobiee
6 Vazdru - Doc 2:0
7 ANNULLED Sturmgott - codexx
8 ANNULLED Sturmgott - Ferris

9 Mythrandir - Sensenmann 2:1
10 Mythrandir - pyyhttu 1:2
11 ANNULLED Outlaw - saptox
12 Outlaw - lio123 0:2
13 Kassow-Rossing - lio123 2:1
14 ANNULLED Kassow-Rossing - Georg B
15 ANNNULLED Goblinpiledriver - jaro
16 ANNULLED Goblinpiledriver - Peeler
17 ANNULLED pyyhttu - jaro

18 Doc - Georg B 2:1

[HLL]Ladder after 300 matches:

1   Nastaboi
2   Mercator
3   Payron
4   Vazdru
5   Sturmgott
6   Guardian
7   Coldcrow
8   Mythrandir
9   Outlaw
10   Kassow-Rossing
11   Goblinpiledriver
12   pyyhttu
13   lio123
14   Ludwitch
15   Sensenmann
16   Daze
17   codexx
18   Whistler
19   Aker123
20   Thibir
21   Peeler
22   Georg B
23   Sushipasta
24   Zimagic
25   Joutzen
26   Michael0103
27   D1sturbed
28   NLG_Playr
29   Nkiro
30   VuRkka
31   Grizzledmage

Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


1 Outlaw - Payron 2:0
2 ANNULLED Kassow-Rossing - Mythrandir

Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


1 Sensenmann - Outlaw 1:2
2 pyyhttu - Outlaw 1:2
3 Goblinpiledriver - Georg B 2:0
4 Payron - Vazdru 2:0
5 pyyhttu - Vazdru 0:2
6 Nastaboi - Payron 0:2
7 Sturmgott - Goblinpiledriver 0:2
8 Sturmgott - Mythrandir 2:1
9 Doc - lio123 2:1

Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.



1. Nastaboi - Doc 2:1
2. Georg B - Vazdru 1:2
3. Georg B - pyyhttu
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Final Pairings for Season VI


1 Goblinpiledriver - Outlaw 2:0
2 Mythrandir - Georg B 1:2
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.