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Messages - derStefan82

Off-Topic / Re: // Rating
11-05-2017, 02:39:48 PM

not tested but found this on our page :)
Announcements / Re: MKM Series Frankfurt
26-04-2017, 08:37:45 PM
Will be there
Off-Topic / mtgpulse down?
21-04-2017, 07:11:57 PM
Someone experienced as well that mtgpulse is not available anymore?

Hi Sebastian (Tazi),

schreib mich einfach an wegen unserem Ligaspiel kann meistens ab 21:00.

Gruß, Stefan
As I wrote a lot about this topic in other threads my points again.

I highly agree with the above statements.

Some examples from my experience:

DT allows you to turn 3 Oath of Druids with Turn 4 first activation.
This is super fair as you are already on an edge to die before against RDW or good Curve aggro (you wasted 2 turns playing dt and oath already without interacting much with what the opponent played).

Using some 3 mana Tutor is just a lot of the time not good enough anymore as you do not survive until turn 5.
There was a time where those 3 mana tutors or transmuters where mostly fast enough but this is not anymore the case.

I event don't play Grim Tutor because it is just to late to much damage.

Regarding archetypes:

I agree that Combo will loose most out of it and it will have even harder times to compete with Aggro (which should not be the case).
Non UR Control lists will weaken as well as they loose one generic answer.
So you are basically strongen all of the current best decks and weaken the brews / already tier 1.5 decks.


Demonic Tutor: I can understand that is likely one of the best cards in the format but it just feels fair to me (considering the speed of the format)

Tainted Pact: This is a card I stopped playing in combo decks at all, you so often see that you exile important deck pieces and it's incredible difficult to do right in those decks. On the other hand in Goodstuff decks it's like an instant DT.
I think if you want to ban a Tutor for weakening Goodstuff decks only this might be the right one.

Mystical Tutor: This one is really good for both Control and Combo, banning this would potentially weaken UR but Combo pretty hard as well.
My personal feeling is that it's ok to have it.

Imperial Seal: This is a better Personal Tutor where I think Personal Tutor is a card on the edge of being good enough to be playable.
I think the card disadvantage + life loss is huge in our format. My personal feeling is that it would be good having it in the format additional to the other ones as it gives combo another faster tutor to deal with the clock.

Vampiric Tutor: Clearly the strongest Tutor out there, I like the idea of having this instead of DT to have all mirage tutors in the format and to increase the speed of non aggro decks. But I understand people don't want this beast in the format.

Other tutors:

I think there are some blowout green tutor effects as well which you need to consider as well like Eldritch Evolution or Eladamri's Call.
Getting specific answers in goodstuff/aggro decks is easier then ever as you have a lot more of those multi effect creatures and spells (commands for example).
There where times when playing a moat was a pretty pressing thing for an aggro deck because you had to decide if you play more enchantmen/artifact hate and therefore weakening your aggro plan. Nowadays you mostly can have both in one spell and you have tutor effects.

My personal preferences for changes right now would be:
Unban Stoneforge:    all players seem to want it
Unban Imperial Seal: giving Combo decks a way to beat aggro decks easier

Don't ban Demonic tutor
Banned List & Rules / Re: Poll / Opinions etc
21-03-2017, 09:06:20 AM
I would read it pretty similar.

Most people are really happy with the format.
No need for bannings. The only card that stands out is stoneforge
with a much higher rating then all other cards on both polls.
Maybe people want another weapon against rdw.
Format anyway is much faster now.

I hope demonic tutor will not be touched.
There are similar amounts of people for banning it then for unbanning top.
And more people for banning nothing.

As I already stated several times, this will weaken specific brewes and combo a lot.
In terms of speed you already have a hard time with combo against Aggro
nowadays and I think aggressiv decks should fear combo by nature.

One popular  reason through the last banning seasons for the demonic bannings was
weakening Blood. Here the meta has adjusted and we are far away from blood dominated.

At the moment a whide range of decks is playable successfully without the one deck people
Constantly complaining about and beating everything.

I really enjoy highlander right now, thanks for your good work.
derStefan82 BUG Combo-Control vs GeorgB 4C Blood 2:1

Game 1:

I mulligan a hand with Will, Beast Within, Probe, Forest, Wasteland, Mystic Confluence (no Blue, to slow) into
Scalding Tarn, Snow Island, Wooded Foothills, Personal Tutor, Crop Rotation, Mental Misstep, Swan Song (T3 Oath with Counterbackup seems good against Blood)

Me:    Personal for Demonic
Georg: Treetop Village
Me:    Demonic for Oath
Georg: Thoughtseize which gets misstepped
Me:    Oath
Georg: Attackes with Treetop
Me:    nothing + miss landdrop
Georg: Attackes with Treetop + EOT me playing Crop rotation for Orchard and creating a Token
Me:    Oath trigger for Rune-Scarred search for Wasteland (keep Dragon Breath in grave to hit next turn for >20 with Emrakul), Waste his Treetop (might be wrong here but thought I keep him of 4 mana potentially)
Georg: Demonic Tutor countered by my Negate
Me:    I unfortunely miss that he tapped his Karakas for DT and only see it after jumping into Draw step so I basically give him another turn
       Dredge Loam to get rid of Karakas + Attack with Demon which gets sworded (I'm ok with it)
Georg: He plays two Sylvans (Library and Caryatid) both of them no danger for me (still have 2 counters in hand)
Me:    Winning with Oath into Emrakul + Dragon Breath him on 15 Life

Game 2:
I mulligan to 5 as I'm only finding pretty controlly hands before into Marsh Flats, Emrakul, Misstep, Watery Grave, Demonic.
I'm pretty much all in on the DT but give it a try.

Georg: starts with Land elf, unfortunely as I'm still thinking about my mulligan I type ok before realizing that I want to misstep it
Me:    tapped Grave
Georg: Karakas Sword of Fire and Ice
Me:    Fastbond + 2 Lands + DT for Oath
Georg: Attaching Sword and hidding for 5 and extra card
Me:    Playing Oath
Georg: Drawing Abrupt Decay for my Oath
Me:    loosing against Elf with Sword

Game 3:
I draw a brutal first hand with Fastbond, Oath, Impulse, Downfall, Thespian Stage, Island, and Tropical

Me:    Tropical, Fastbond, Thespian, Island
Georg: Savannah + Elf, me EOT Impulse into Spell Pierce (yes! protection)
Me:    Oath with Spell Pierce mana open
Georg: Treetop + go
Me:    Oath trigger into Emrakul, draw Spell snare, Sylvan Scrying into Dark Depth in case he can handle both Emrakul and Oath + Countermana, George EOT Call which gets snared
Georg: concedes

Thanks for games and talk.
Hi Georg,

we are paired for this week.

I'm always available in the later evening just write me a message.

Br, Stefan
derStefan82 (BUG Combo-Control) vs Firestarter (Academy) 2:1

Game 1:

Keep a hand with Probe, Counter, Muddle the Mixture, Map which seems ok for me against Academy.
Draw into more counters so that I'm able to counter all his acceleration and Winter Orb.
Eventually I can cast Oath with having Orchard in play and win via Emrakul + Dragon Breath.

Game 2:
Keep a hand with Loam, Mystical, Impulse and Misstep for action.
Unfortunately he drops first round Boseiju which I haven't planned with and I'm really afraid of.
I'm able to counter his Expedition Map but he finds Ruins to get back his Map + Deserted Temple.
I play Intuition for Depth (Stage in Hand) and Ravens Crime, Wasteland to get the Academy madness under control next turn + Disrupting his hand.
He plays Academy and cracks his Eggs for Value, at this point I think I missplay it as he plays Demonic Tutor with 6 open mana and only 1 card in hand.
I could have Spell Pierced to get him to 4 mana, at the time I said ok I regret not doing it so he is able to find Timespiral and ruins my Hand and Grave.
After a lot of timetwistering he is able to assemble the Slaver lock.

Game 3:
I keep a hand with Ritual, Dark Petition, Fastbond and Crop Rotation. Unfortunately I miss on green mana but I think that this hand can win against Academy faster then the Academy deck should be able to win.
Game goes different as expected as he drops Oath and I have Swan Song in hand. So I'm thinking about if I should counter it with Swan Song or if I should get greedy and try to abuse the Oath myself.
I decide for the second option as it's unsure if he has Orchard in hand and I have the counter for any tutor for it which is generating the token on his side and as a backup I would have Dark Petition and Crop Rotation for my own Orchard + Wasteland as a backup.
He plays Fastbond which I counter with Swan Song which he follows with Orchard.
So I have to think if I should risk a Doomsday line or go for Orchard, Wasteland. I decide for Orchard, Wasteland as I still have no green mana to finish next Turn with Doomsday guaranteed and I don't want to risk him resolving Oath.
He Mysticals for Regrowth and gets Orchard back so the game is stalled for a couple of turns.
I'm able to shred his Orchard again with Tec Edge, but before I get my first Oath activation he Time Walks into Upheaval (playing in topdeck mode).
As I still have Fastbond and Intution I'm able to pretty fast assemble Depth + Stage and win with Marit Large.

Thanks for good games.

derStefan82 (Sultai Combo-Control) - Larry (Esper Control) 2:0

kept a hand with teachings, demonic tutor, watery grave, bayou, snow-covered swamp, creeping tar pit and spell snare against an unknown opponent

DT on starthand allows turn 3 oath against aggro decks which is normally enough

- Larry: Island -> Ancestral Vision
- Me: Underground Sea
- Larry: Tundra (he draws 2 instead of 1 but we agree to undo second draw)
- Me: Draw Raven's Crime, Snow Swamp -> and deciding for DT Loam as it seems like UW Control or some grindy control matchup and Crime + Loam should be good there
- Larry: Isolated Chapel
- Me: Draw Condescend, Bayou -> Ravens Crime twice discarding tar pit and leaving mana open for Spell Snare
- Larry: missing land drop (discarded Plains into Crime)
- Me: Draw Glacial Chasm, Watery Grave utapped
- Larry: Upkeep in response to Ancestral Vision I cast Teachings for Force pitching Spell Snare, he plays Misty Rainforest
- Me: Double Raven's Crime + Loam, he responds with Fact of Fiction, he gets Mana Leak, Snapcaster and discards Double Land and Detention Sphere
- Larry: Thoughtseize my Condescend
- Me: Creeping Tarpit, Double Raven's Crime, leaving him with just Snapcaster in hand and me on 5 Lands, Playing Loam gets countered by Snapped Mana Leak
- Larry: Attack with Snapcaster, Dig Through Time into Tec Edge, Hymn, Hymn discarding my 2 Lands in Hand
- Me: Draw Counterspell
- Larry: Ponder, Wall of Omens, I respond with flashback Teachings for Intuition, he vindicates Tar Pit and Attacks with Snapcaster (me 14 Life)
- Me: Draw Remand, Intuition for Wasteland, Thespian Stage, Dark Depth, he is already second round in topdeck mode as I can Crime all his handcards he doesn't play, get Depth and play it, Remand mana still open
- Larry: Helm of Obedience gets Remanded and me dredging Loam, get attacked by Snapcaster to 12 Life, he has Tec Edge and Kor Haven to disturb my combo but I have Wasteland in grave
- Me: Loam for Waste, Stage + Land, Crime the Helm, playing Wasteland, leaving Counterspell mana open, Waste his Tec Edge
- Larry: Attacks me to 10
- Me: Draw Hero's Downfall, Crime away his Ugin
- Larry: Attack, Snapcaster get's killed by Downfall, he Brainstorms into Narset but then he searches his Library instead of looking only top library with Narset and concedes because of this and telling me that there are 2 lands on top of his library

- Me: mulligan to six into Foothills, Snow Forest, Lat-Nam's Legacy, Beast Within, Treasure Cruise, Misstep which seems like a solid hand against control, scrying Mana Leak on top
- Larry: Celestial Colonade
- Me: Wooded Foothills
- Larry: Probe which I respond with Fetch->Tropical Misstep as I don't want to give him information, he preordains afterwards, he forgets his land drop
- Me: Draw Emrakul, Snow Forest
- Larry: Misty, me Eot Lat-Nams Legacy which gets Spell Snared
- Me: Draw Thespian Stage, play it
- Larry: Baleful Strix which I Mana Leak, I'm unsure if this is correct as I'm not really worried about it but I want to start cruising so I decide to do it
- Me: Draw Force of will, missing land dorp
- Larry: Draws 3 cards instead of 1 and concedes because he did already quite some misplays, I offered to undo

Thanks for the games.

Hey Piepser, when are you available?

During the next 2 days I'm quite flexible.

Just ping me.
derStefan82 (Hatebears) vs Tazi (Scapeshift) 2:1

will write the report during next days

thanks for games