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Messages - firestarter

Quote from: Remi on 06-11-2020, 07:40:15 PM
Quote from: r4nd0m1 on 06-11-2020, 06:36:45 PM
We have incredibly powerful individual cards and some of them, like Academy, sometimes do look too powerful. These are the spikes that players talk about, but every experienced Academy player knows, what regular games in tough(er) matchups look like.

This is something very true. When Academy deck has a good draw and is comboing off early, it sure may look like "wow this shit is busted", and it's totally understandable. It seemingly does very wicked stuff.
But you have to look realize it's just how to deck works, and it's not something that happens every game...or even every other. It sometimes loses to a single hate card that doesn't have to even be "silver bullet" against it. Too many time I remember just being completely locked out by Aven Mindcensor or the new 3mana Ashiok

You have to be able to look at the bigger picture, and the meta you're playing on. It's like me playing Jeskai control against my friends jund midrange...Of course my winrate is high because the matchup is so favorable.
Also, like I earlier said, I was well aware and knowingly abusing the fact the high % of the opponents i faced on tournaments lacked the experience and/or skill to paly against Academy...It was an actual factor i considered when i chose which deck to play.

And this! There is no reason to ban Academy because of any dominance at the last "tournaments". I need some valid data to understand that reason. It is hard to play this beautiful format without understanding its development...

This is something very true. When Academy deck has a good draw and is comboing off early, it sure may look like "wow this shit is busted", and it's totally understandable. It seemingly does very wicked stuff.
But you have to look realize it's just how to deck works, and it's not something that happens every game...or even every other. It sometimes loses to a single hate card that doesn't have to even be "silver bullet" against it. Too many time I remember just being completely locked out by Aven Mindcensor or the new 3mana Ashiok

Also, like I earlier said, I was well aware and knowingly abusing the fact the high % of the opponents i faced on tournaments lacked the experience and/or skill to paly against Academy...It was an actual factor i considered when i chose which deck to play.


Tazi - Firestarter 0-3

I started Game Number 1 with a strong Hand and Twister in turn 2, after that he looked in my hand with Gitaxian Probe. I searched for the Academy with Scrying, he had a Mana Leak against my Tezzeret the Seeker. Then he played Abrupt Decay against my Rings of Brightheart in response to untapping Academy with Minamo. I searched for Temporal Fissure and bounced all his permanents. He gave up.

I took free mulligan in game 2 and had a slow hand without any good cards, but I could find Academy. He had a Wasteland after I could get out Thran Dynamo. We played a lot of rounds draw go, he had a Jace the Mindsculptor, I could Search for some Cards with Scroll Rack. He countered some Threats and I thought I would lose the Game. Then I could resolve a Braingeyser for 8 Cards and could find a Zuran Orb which saved my life. My Mindslaver was not countered and I got a Scapeshift in his turn out of Jace to kill him.

Game 3 started with fast Academy on my side and a Prismatic Lense, which got countered with mana Drain. He searched for several Land cards and played Imperial Seal for Skyshroud Claim.
I answered with Winter Orb, that destroyed his plans. My Fabricate took Candelabra of Tawnos and I could play Upheaval and Timespiral, I thought that must be game, but he had a Wasteland and a Deathrite Shaman. I could build up some Mana to resolve Staff of Domination and Winter Orb. My Wheel of Fortune gave me the Possibility to win. Grindstone and Painter´s Servant won the game.
Thank you for the games!

Firestarter - R4nd0m1 3-2

Report follows
Firestarter (Academy)- Vazdru (UB Ooze) 2-1

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Firestarter - Iulus 2:0

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Firestarter - Tazi 3-2

Game 1:
Game 1 started with some lands on both sides after a mulligan 6 from me. I coult Drain his Treasure Cruise and play a Thundermaw Hellkite. At 7 life he played FTK and Lightning Bolt. I drew too much land and lost against a slow beatdown.

Game 2:
Game 2 started with a mulligan 6 from Tazi and a Sylvan Library in turn 3, which got him back into the game, I had a massive Counterwall with misdirection. After a counterbattle I could bring him down with my beatdown. His Treasure Cruise was canceled from my Clique.

Game 3:
In game 3 I had a hand with one Land but Ancestral Vision and another Wasteland which took his only land. After some draws I had a big counterwall and Price of Progress for 10 and my Torrential Gearhulk killed him with second Price.

Game 4
Tazi had his best hand and I could not stop him, controlling the game. He finished me with Scapeshift countering my Price of Progress in response to his trigger.

Game 5
I stopped playing lands at 4 lands, but could counter some Threats. His Tasigur knocked at my door, I could rerace him with Price of Progress and Snapcaster Mage (without spell). My end of turn Lightning Bolt killed him at three life.

Every game was a close one, thanks for the games!
Me Too
Firestarter (Artifacts) - TaZi (Scapeshift) 2:0

Report follows.
Firestarter - Piepser 2 - 0

Game 1 I had my Staff of Domination which controlled his only Creature. I played Mindslaver which killed him (Demonic Consultation (Mountain Goat))
Game 2 I played Upheaval after Memory Jar on 1 Life. This was close.

Thanks for the Games!