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Messages - azmotus

Sadly, the Cup Trial in Turku, Finland, had to be cancelled due to lack of players. Eight players had pre-registered but three of them dropped out day before the tournament.
No ban.

Slow players will still play slow even if Top is banned. If someone tries to abuse it by slow-playing, call for a judge and ask them to observe the situation.
Banned List & Rules / Re: Poll / Opinions etc
31-12-2013, 04:37:18 PM
Name/Nick: Sami Laitinen / azmotus

How do you rate the banned-list on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=poor, 10=great)?

Which mulligan-rule do you prefer?
Free Mulligan

How do you rate the free mulligan on a scale from 1 to 10?

How often do you play Highlander (
several times weekly / once per week

Which cards are missing on the banned-list and why? (max. the 5 most important ones)

True-Name Nemesis - A cheap beater that requires very specific removal to get rid of.

Mishra's Workshop - The only reason this card isn't already banned is the pricetag. If more people could afford to run it, it would soon become apparent how broken it is.

Dark Depths - Stupid two card combo that can be easily tutored and hard to disrupt. Can go to almost every deck there is, especially if you're playing green.
Reports / Cup Trial Turku, Finland - 12.12.13
15-12-2013, 08:36:25 PM
13 players, 4 rounds of swiss + top 4

1. Sovela, Jouni - 4C Academy
2. Pyulze, Aarne - UR Tempo
3. Laitinen, Sami - 4C Academy Wildfire
4. Lavonius, Tuomas - UWR Wildfire

Top 4 Decklists: