So, here is the report from my QF. Unfortunately, my replay got lost so Ill try to remember as much as I can and not mix it up too much.
Dark Bant vs goblinpiledriver with Alara Blood Aggro
I win the die roll and have 2 elves and turn 3 Thragtusk, while opp has a small Tarmogoyf and Loxodon Smiter. When hes on 12 life and doesnt block, Im pretty happy. Then I see his plan was Shriekmaw, but I have a counter and 2 Manlands for lethal.
Game 2 opp only has Deathrite Shaman and Treetop Village, I think, but I dont have much either, only a Garruk. Apparently, he doesnt have a good play and trades his Treetop for my Token and on the following turn Shaman for my Eternal Witness. I draw Natural Order, I think, and its 2-0.
Game 3 opp begins with Rakdos Cackler, Dark Confidant and something else, but I have Force Spike and another counter while the 2/2 starts beating me down. I have Swords and Path in hand, but I obv I try to find a blocker instead - especially since he has Raging Ravine in the meantime. I still have nothing but lands when opp has Bloodbraid Elf revealing Abrupt Decay. Swords is being played. At this point, Im below 10 life and eventually I die, but right now I actually dont remember how, sorry. 2-1
Last game is pretty tight and I get lucky I guess. Basically, Im kinda manascrewed and opp has some LD too, I believe. So, Im sitting on 3 mana - green, green, black, but I have Sylvan Library and at some point Sword of Feast and Famine.
Also, I have one of my discard spells which reveals lands, O-Ring and Path. I take Path and play Worldly Tutor for Tarmogoyf, which he o-rings, which I then answer with Maelstrom Pulse. Then, he has the 3/3 scavenge dude and his own Sword of F&F and is threatening to win the race, but fortunately I find Taited Pact for Maze of Ith. Opp can only chumpblock with Aven Mindcensor, before he topdecks Maelstrom Pulse for both Swords to stabilize the game. However, I manage to assemble a 4th mana and Garruk - for trample and the match :DDD.
Dark Bant vs goblinpiledriver with Alara Blood Aggro
I win the die roll and have 2 elves and turn 3 Thragtusk, while opp has a small Tarmogoyf and Loxodon Smiter. When hes on 12 life and doesnt block, Im pretty happy. Then I see his plan was Shriekmaw, but I have a counter and 2 Manlands for lethal.
Game 2 opp only has Deathrite Shaman and Treetop Village, I think, but I dont have much either, only a Garruk. Apparently, he doesnt have a good play and trades his Treetop for my Token and on the following turn Shaman for my Eternal Witness. I draw Natural Order, I think, and its 2-0.
Game 3 opp begins with Rakdos Cackler, Dark Confidant and something else, but I have Force Spike and another counter while the 2/2 starts beating me down. I have Swords and Path in hand, but I obv I try to find a blocker instead - especially since he has Raging Ravine in the meantime. I still have nothing but lands when opp has Bloodbraid Elf revealing Abrupt Decay. Swords is being played. At this point, Im below 10 life and eventually I die, but right now I actually dont remember how, sorry. 2-1
Last game is pretty tight and I get lucky I guess. Basically, Im kinda manascrewed and opp has some LD too, I believe. So, Im sitting on 3 mana - green, green, black, but I have Sylvan Library and at some point Sword of Feast and Famine.
Also, I have one of my discard spells which reveals lands, O-Ring and Path. I take Path and play Worldly Tutor for Tarmogoyf, which he o-rings, which I then answer with Maelstrom Pulse. Then, he has the 3/3 scavenge dude and his own Sword of F&F and is threatening to win the race, but fortunately I find Taited Pact for Maze of Ith. Opp can only chumpblock with Aven Mindcensor, before he topdecks Maelstrom Pulse for both Swords to stabilize the game. However, I manage to assemble a 4th mana and Garruk - for trample and the match :DDD.