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Messages - Vazdru

Just leave Surname / Name / Country / ICQ here to join the league.

Off-Topic / [HLL]Pairings
22-09-2007, 02:20:48 AM
Quote from: Mythrandir on 21-09-2007, 10:51:13 PM
how many players left to complete the 8?

3 are missing


Pairings will be announced each Sunday starting with 070930 if at least 8 players joined HLL, otherwise Sunday after 8th player joined.

Assumption 1 (A1): No more than 12 parings in one season.
Assumption 2 (A2): No more than two matches (best-of-three) vs. the same opponent.
Assumption 3 (A3): No more than two pairings each week per player.

Step 1: Create a sorted player list (ascending) each sunday. Using

  • ICQ Number (1. week)
  • Surname (2. week)
  • Ranking in HLL (3. week)
  • Nickname on (4. week)
  • Checksum ICQ Number (5. week)
  • Ranking MPL (6. week)
  • Forename (7. week)
  • Back starting on top (8. week)

Step 2: Pairings will be made starting with top player of the list.

Pairing 1:
Player 1 (P1) if violation A1 or A2 â€" go to P2
P1 vs Pn/2 (rounded down) +1 (with n = number of players actually in the league)
If violation A3
P1 vs Pn/2 +2
If violation A3
P1 vs Pn/2 +3 ….

Pairing 2:
….(see example below  ;))

A league with 11 Players: Austin, Richard, Charlie, William, Greg, Chuck, Michael, Marvin, Winston, Patrick, Norman

Sorted List (ascend)
P1= Austin
P2= Charlie
P3= Chuck
P4= Greg
P5= Marvin
P6= Michael
P7= Norman
P8= Patrick
P9= Richard


P1 vs P6 und P7
P2 vs P7 und P8
P3 vs P8 und P9
P4 vs P9 und P10
P5 vs P10 und P11
P6 vs P11

Surname / Name / Country / ICQ


1. Matos, João, Portugal, 378577689
2. Naumann, Sascha, Germany, 84503140 (MP-No. 64)
3. Topel, Frank, Germany, 91309598
4. Stahl, Gerry, Germany, 145444190 (MP-No. 89)
5. Burke, Owen, France, 485062880
6. Beltle, Georg, Germany, 374556263
7. Schwing, Bastian, Germany, 138439536

Players are able to join a running season!
Season starts 071001! (At least one friend of mine will join on sunday).
Registration will be closed on 071111.

Please report the results of the [HLL]Games here.

We need at least names of players, number of played games and who’s the winner if there’s any.
As additional information you can post which decks have been played. Optional you can give us a quick review of the matches.

Win: 3 Points; Draw: 1 Point, Loss: 0 Points

•   Platform: Magic Workstation 0.94f
•   Registration: Free for everyone, registration period will start 070922; possibility to join a running season
•   Season starts: 071001 but not before 8 player joined the league â€" for further information see [HLL]Registration
•   Season ends: 071223
•   Participant: Play 12 best-of-three matches, no more than two matches vs. the same opponent, no more than two matches a week
•   Decklists: not necessary, opponent may have a deck-check after the games
•   Scoring: Win: 3p, Draw: 1p, Loss: 0p â€" for further information see [HLL]Scoreboard
•   Pairings: Randomly, every week two pairings per player will be announced, matches must be played within six weeks â€" for further information see [HLL]Pairings
•   Prizes: Booster-Prizes (for each two participants with 10 matches or more at end of season one booster for the winner)
•   K-Level: will be announced

Players have to use the same deck for playing a single round (just note the security code when first game starts). They do not have to use the same deck the whole tourney. 

Some additions/changes may be done during the next week.
Off-Topic / Re: League
16-09-2007, 07:01:19 PM
Quote from: Mythrandir on 16-09-2007, 02:23:34 PM
isnt there an application that does those kind of things?

sure, but someone has to deal with

or with a pen and paper and person we trust.. :)

a person outside the league, like i said ;P

or perhaps a league where  everybody would play with everybody. no? (too long, perhaps... =/)

a possibility, but it depends how many guys wanna play in such a league - i think  a fixed no. of games is the better choice
Off-Topic / Re: League
15-09-2007, 09:35:46 PM

  • Platform: Magic Workstation 0.94f
  • Registration: Free for everyone, registration period will start 070922; possibility to join a running season
  • Season starts: 071001 but not before 8 player joined the league
  • Season ends: 071223
  • Participant: Play 12 best-of-three matches, no more than two matches vs. the same opponent, no more than two matches a week
  • Decklists: not necessary, opponent may have a deck-check after the games
  • Scoring: Win vs. higher ranked player: 3p, Win vs. equal and lower ranked player: 2p, Draw: 1p, Loss: 0p
  • Pairings: Randomly, every week two pairings per player will be announced, matches must be played within six weeks
  • Prizes: will be announced

How we get the random pairings? We should find  someone outside the league for that - sounds complicated again :P

Taking part:

Stahl, Gerry, ICQ # 145444190, HL # 0089  :P

At least one friend of mine will join the league soon.
Off-Topic / Re: League
15-09-2007, 01:17:56 AM
Quote from: Mythrandir on 14-09-2007, 11:39:18 PM
how will the pairings be done?
or a player just challenge another? i would prefer randomly...

Quote from: Vazdru
Schedule: no fixed dates, players arrange the games self-dependently and report the result

I've thought about two possibilities:

A) Two player of the league just arrange a meeting for playing their game.

-> everyone is free how often he wanna play in one single week (0-1-2 games)
-> to schedule a game should be quite easy via board, ICQ, MSN ... so you don't need to have a fixed "game-day"
-> the restrictions (max. 2 matches vs. 1 opponent, max. 2 matches in a week) are made to have a great scope of pairings in the league

B) A player challenge a higher ranked participant of the league.

-> Do we need to have a possibility for lower ranked player to advance in the ranking by challenging a higher ranked participant? - i think so.

Random pairings would have some disadvantages:

-> what are the consequences if two player do not find a common date for playing
-> what happens if there is an impair player-number in the league
-> what happens if someone is on a trip for two or three weeks or maybe ill

I think random pairings in such a league could be complicated ...

Off-Topic / Re: League
14-09-2007, 11:01:48 PM

  • Platform: Magic Workstation 0.94f
  • Registration: Free for everyone, registration period will start 070922; possibility to join a running season
  • Season starts: 071001
  • Season ends: 071223
  • Participant: Play 12 best-of-three matches, no more than two matches vs. the same opponent, no more than two matches a week
  • Decklists: not necessary, opponent may have a deck-check after the games
  • Scoring: Win vs. higher ranked player: 3p, Win vs. equal and lower ranked player: 2p, Draw: 1p, Loss: 0p
  • Schedule: no fixed dates, players arrange the games self-dependently and report the result
  • Prizes: will be announced

Do we need a challenge-system? Some notes or changes?


Surname, Name, Country, ICQ Number, Highlander Player No. if available
Off-Topic / Re: League
11-09-2007, 09:51:42 PM
Quote from: Whistler
The idea of a league sounds good to me. But I think, one match per week is too much for me (Magic isn't soccer *fg*).

  • max. one match each week per player

or max. 12 matches a season - so you can decide more flexibly when you wanna play your matches (e. g. 2 matches on a single weekend)

Quote from: Mytrandir
well, i dont think a loss just be -1... this might scare away ppl from playing.. a think zero points for losing is already bad Tongue

Someone who plays more often than another shouldn't have an advantage by that. That's why i've thought about -1p per loss as penalty. Thereby it doesn't matter if a player plays one match every two weeks or two (one win is better than one win + one loss  ;)); i think this method is better than reducing the maximum match-count every two weeks to 1
Off-Topic / Re: League
11-09-2007, 12:00:32 AM
Some further thoughts:

  • Scoring: Win vs. higher ranked player: 3p, Win vs. equal and lower ranked player: 2p, Draw: 1p, Loss: -1p
  • Challenge: Opportunity to challenge a higher ranked player, 3 challenges per player and season, you can't challenge an already challenged player
  • Challenge Day: If two player are unable to find a common date for the match during the week, both competitors have to play on sunday, 18.00 o'clock; if only one competitor is ready that one receives the points
  • Late Join: Opportunity to join a running season after x weeks, joining player receives x/2 add. challenge-calls, can make x weeks one add. game each week
  • Start Season 1: Monday, October 1st
  • End Season 1: Sunday, December 23rd
  • Vacation period: a player can announce a vacation period (2 weeks) in which he can't be challenged
  • K-Value: 4

Hopefully not too complicated  ??? ;D

New Editions / Re: [lorwyn] - planeswalker
10-09-2007, 11:46:03 PM
Quote from: Mythrandir on 10-09-2007, 11:57:10 AM

quite viable, no?

best planeswalker so far

maybe not strong enough for constructed but hell-good in limited

i'm looking forward to see such a stylish planeswalker in rdw but don't believe i'll see one :P
Off-Topic / Re: Sunset
09-09-2007, 06:28:00 PM
Imo Sea Beast looks too strong in comparison to other common fatties already exist - i would replace islandwalk with islandhome or make it cc9.

What do you think about following changes:

Samurai of Darkness: UC and maybe add provoke

Celestial Knight: UC and maybe add lifelink or vigilance

Then they are in the same league like White Knight, Hand of Honor or Longbow Archers.

Off-Topic / Re: League
06-09-2007, 08:17:25 PM
I've had the same idea :P. Maybe it could have even an advertising effect for this forum. Shouldn't be a big effort to organize such a league.

Just a few thoughts to such a league:

  • Playing via MWS Online Play,
  • one match each week per player,
  • no decklists (if you like just make a deck-check after the games),
  • the players arrange the games self-dependently,
  • the players post afterwards the results,
  • no more than two games vs the same opponent per season
  • a season takes 12 weeks,

I've already spoken to Sturmgott about my plan to organize a league but he is a bit afraid if MWS is what the players want and if the Online-Tourney will be a success, cause there is almost no feed-back of the community yet. So let's wait till the tourney is over and let's see what happened there.

If i win anything there will be a prize support for a league too  ;)

Off-Topic / Re: Sunset
02-09-2007, 03:45:01 PM
Quote from: Sturmgott on 02-09-2007, 02:54:14 PM
I used to think that in case two legendary permanents with the same name are in play, both are sacrificed rather than destroyed?

That's of course right - my fault. :-[

Btw Shroud is a nice idea too !