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First Highlander Deck Feedback

Started by malusNexx, 27-05-2021, 11:10:39 AM

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Hey I'm starting to get into Highlander with a friend and I just build my very first deck and would like your feedback on it.
However there are some disclaimers I have to make:
This is by no means a perfect optimized meta deck and it should not be that. I do not own any powerful modern staples/RL cards (snapcaster, fetches, duals,...) and build this deck entirely from my collection with some cards I've always wanted to play but never found home in my commander decks for.
Any upgrade suggestions should be budget friendly.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Deck list:


This deck is pretty much outdated (built it around 1.5 years ago) and it's NOT really on a budget but maybe you can find some card choices you want to adopt

Esper Midrange:

Formerly known as With-FuLL-Force.