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We need to post decklists!

Started by r4nd0m1, 23-02-2018, 03:10:53 PM

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Hi all, I just wanted to point out, that nobody is posting decklists at or

I would like to see that changed, because its like the tournamens never took place - at least for me.

Please let me know if somebody plans to take care of it.

I'd be glad to help in any way possible.




I try to manage the uploads on MKM right now. The plan is to post every bigger event, which was announced. For the weekly tournaments in each town, well there was never the kind of attitude to post decklists. A player from Berlin is always starting some FB post, which motivate people to post there decklists. In my experience it is a lot of work for a single person to manage all decklist and even to post the final standings is only happening from the berlin comunity, which is a start.

If you are able to motivate more people to post decklist, that would be great, but I don't see that right now.


Hi, please also upload to

FB isnt public. Im aware its very useful, but the forum and mentioned websites need decklists too.

Bigger tournaments apparently dont happen often enough.

TOs at local tournaments need to incentivise players to make their decklists available - at least the winner - and send them to me, for example. I will be more than happy to post them. I take screenshots and photos too.

There is a lot of value lost when the data isnt shared.

There is a lot of damage done, when players lose interest in a format that looks inactive.

I hope there is somebody connected to the respective TOs. Please let us know what it takes to set this up.

Best regards, Kurt


QuoteFB isnt public. Im aware its very useful, but the forum and mentioned websites need decklists too.

Hi I am the the player from Berlin who collects lists on FB AND posts them afterwards on

QuoteBigger tournaments apparently dont happen often enough.

TOs at local tournaments need to incentivise players to make their decklists available - at least the winner - and send them to me, for example. I will be more than happy to post them. I take screenshots and photos too.

There is a lot of value lost when the data isnt shared.

There is a lot of damage done, when players lose interest in a format that looks inactive.

All that is well known, but does not motivate anyone to get active.
If you want to help, go to the tournament report page. Talk to the persons who posts the final standings/archetypes and motivate them to post/send you the decklists.
(btw you need at least 2 decklists for or you post 1 deck without any cards in it.)



Since I don't use Facebook anymore, I really see how inactive and unmotivated the community looks like from outside the facebook group.
I'm not surprised that tournament attendance and publication of decklists are decreasing ...
Formerly known as With-FuLL-Force.


There isnt more going on on facebook sadly. I took a highlander (and decklist) break for a couple of month, so no lists got posted. I am back so at least some berlin lists will be available at


QuoteI took a highlander (and decklist) break for a couple of month, so no lists got posted. I am back so at least some berlin lists will be available at

Firstly, thank you for beeing someone who collects and posts decklists! I really appreciate your work and what this effort means for the format.

Secondly, I want to ask you why the community should use mtgdecks instead of cardmarket (MKM)?
The community needs a central website where we post decklists. While the forum can and also should be used to post decklists, its influence on the MTG-community is very small. If we want a format with a healthy playerbase, posting lists on cardmarket could be beneficial. I think a website this big has the potential to introduce new people to the format. Highlander is categorized seperately.
Also, the distinction between HL and EDH is consistent (while Canadian HL isn't listet at all) which avoids further confusion between those three.

Lastly to those Facebook users who read this, I am really interestet in your opinion:
- Why are you prefering FB over the Forum?
- What needs to change for the forum beeing more used by you?

I don't use FB but some regular postet surveys and posts are discussed in my chatgroup.
Why aren't those surveys (What's the play? Which cards fit in Deck X, ...)postet in this Forum? Is it because of the UI which makes postings such things harder? Is a FB plugin needed here to inform more people on FB about new posts here?
You can spread this question on FB if you want.

Thanks and greetings

Dr. Opossum

I would also prefer magiccardmarket over other platforms. Even if community members are still not able to upload lists themselves (hope this will be a function in the future). I like the layout and clarity more and would guess, that a bigger part of the community already use cardmarket. At least it is what i recommend to new players. But at the moment we should be grateful for every commitment and input and thats what Goblin does. Thank you very much!

The sorrowful FB/ forum discussion:
1. Most of the users allready have a fb account. Why should they make an account for a platform, which only use 10 people actively.
2. FB is more flexible (groups, connections, other interests). Why should they join a forum just for hl, when they can use a plattform for hl, mtg overall, other games, etc.
3. This forum is at least... 10 years old? Forums overall are so 2006. Most of the visitors use it for updates concerning the wl or banned list. It's not that much more input comes from us. Unmotivation is contagious.
4. Even as a non-/ barely active member i can vote for each nonsense survey with one click and also see how many voted and who voted. FB is simply smoother/ needs no effort. Even posting and answering is easier if you take a platform that you use every day anyway.


Quote from: Dr. Opossum on 27-06-2018, 07:10:04 PM
4. Even as a non-/ barely active member i can vote for each nonsense survey with one click and also see how many voted and who voted. FB is simply smoother/ needs no effort. Even posting and answering is easier if you take a platform that you use every day anyway.
Exactly this point is why I have a problem with the FB group ... even if you are barely active you can vote or post your opinion for every shit even if you don't really care, because its too easy.

The people who look at this forum or maybe post here from time to time at least showing some interest, which is in my opinion eligible. I don't say at all that a FB group isn't useful for some reasons, but for discussions around ban-/watchlist, cardchoices or posting of decklists the forum should have the highest priority. Sure this forum is pretty old and it's difficult to find the right threads/posts, but there was once a discussion about a new website/forum ... which never came.

By the way we have/had our own section for posting decklists here, but it's unused for years now for whatever reasons.
Formerly known as With-FuLL-Force.

Dr. Opossum

I do not see any reason to impose a specific platform on people who will die out anyway. Even a new website and a new design will not guarantee that someone shares your opinion on the forum. It may increase interest in the main page, but I doubt it will replace more popular social media. Especially if no regular content follows. I also do not understand why a user who occasionally checks the forum for news has more interest in the format than someone voting in a poll. Why does a user have the wrong priorities when commenting on Facebook, rather than in a forum that is used and seen by fewer people. How do you know if people care or not? They are obviously interested enough to take part in the survey. If simplicity allows access and participation for members - why not?


mtgdecks is the site I use because I am able to upload lists there. #easy

I am more of a practical person, I don't get why you would want to discuss the Dos and Don'ts of uploading decklists and the usage of forums vs facebook instead of simply doing anything. If you want to have more traffic here post something interesting, start a conversation. If you want mkm to be the main site start uploading lists there. If you want a new website build one. #easy

facebook is as sleepy as this forum at the moment, the only place where you can find some decent discussions are the METAGAME MASTERS facebook page and the Canadian HL FB Page. Nothing will change that, if no one does anything.


QuoteNothing will change that, if no one does anything.
You're right and like I said, I really appreciate your work.

However, I think the discussion about one centralized website where decklists are postet is necessary. Does anyone know, how to publish decklists on cardmarket (@Vazdru)? If TO know how to publish on cardmarket,  we players should remember them to publish those.

QuoteIt may increase interest in the main page, but I doubt it will replace more popular social media. Especially if no regular content follows.
I'm currently not playing because of my work and already said I don't use FB. Because of that, from my point of view there is very little information about HL to be found online and the format seems very dead from the outside. You really need to dig online to collect new information about this format like decklists, metagame, set reviews, new decks,... Finding those different websites means you already need to know about most of this formats active content producers.
While it is beneficial to have a broad spectrum of different websites and using social media there just needs to be a point where everything comes together. This website and forum don't seem to be a good place for that right now for various reasons. An updated website and forum would be a good step. While I hate socialmedia plugins, maybe they'd be really needed here. Like goblinpiledriver mentioned, there was an ambition to upgrade the main website and forum. It would be really nice to know, why this attempt failed.

Like already mentioned, a fundamental step is getting more players which means WE ALL are needed introducing new players to the format and creating content. Furthermore, the content created needs to be pushed more. E.g.: Some tournaments are streamed but the stream isn't found easily. If content is created, it should be advertised and spread on this Forum, FB, youtube, your MTG-chatgroups and the like. (Kudos to those already doing this!)


QuoteDoes anyone know, how to publish decklists on cardmarket (@Vazdru)? If TO know how to publish on cardmarket,  we players should remember them to publish those. 

At the moment, if you want lists posted on mkm,you send them to Jan Münch and he sends them to mkm. Then it takes 1 week or more till they are published.

But for me its way easier to simply upload the lists to mtgdecks and after 1 hour everything is there. And if something is wrong I can change thr lists myself.

At the moment mtgdecks "highlander" section, has also canadian hl in it.

(btw it sucks to write forum posts on the phone)

QuoteIt would be really nice to know, why this attempt failed.

As far as I know, the website is complete but someone has to be responsible for the site. (impressum) Since nobody is willing to do that, there is no website.