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Warum immer noch englisch?

Started by DarkLight, 21-07-2018, 04:25:36 AM

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Da die ausländischen Communities dieses Forum ja scheinbar eh nicht nutzen, wieso schreiben wir dann immer noch zum Großteil auf englisch? Eine Änderung der Hauptkommunikationssprache auf deutsch wird sich in diesem Forum wohl kaum negativ auf die Aktivitäten auswirken (vielleicht sogar eher positiv), da soweit ich weiß jeder derzeitig aktive Nutzer deutsch kann. Auf gezielte Fragen kann man bei Bedarf ja immer noch auf englisch antworten bzw. den Allwissenden fragen.
Bis auf ein paar Ausnahmen zum Beispiel Ban-/Watchlist Änderungen und Online Highlander League ist meiner Meinung nach die englische Sprache in diesem Forum mittlerweile völlig unnötig.

Falls es dennoch gute Gründe für die englische Sprache gibt, könnt ihr mir diese gerne Mitteilen, vielleicht ändert sich meine Meinung.

Hab den ganzen Text aus Faulheit nochmal durch den Translator gejagt falls es wider erwartend Nutzer geben sollte die kein deutsch können:
QuoteSince the foreign communities seemingly do not use this forum anyway, why do we still mostly write in English? A change in the main communication language in German in this forum will probably have little negative impact on the activities (maybe even more positive), as far as I know every currently active users German. If you have any questions, you can still answer in English or ask the omniscient.
Except for a few exceptions, for example Ban-/Watchlist changes and Online Highlander League is in my opinion the English language in this forum meanwhile completely unnecessary.

If there are good reasons for the English language, you are welcome to tell them, maybe my opinion will change.
Formerly known as With-FuLL-Force.


Forum statistics (IP) shows that majority of registrants (non-bots) are outside Germany country IP range. Also, German language only would make the community more secular and make lurking impossible (for foreign users).


Maybe the majority of registered forumusers seem to be non-german but I'm talking more about the active users. Since the finish community seem to have their own forum where they only post only in finish and the same counts for the czech/slovakian community, I don't see a good reason here why I/we should continue posting in english only for those who "lurk" and don't participate. We don't have a forum yet for those native german speaking players who are not that good in english to read or post in this forum but it seem to be okay for the foreign communities to open up their own forums so they can hold it in their native language.
As far as I know it was kinda a favor that we started to post in english so foreign players can participate in discussions but since the most of them fled there is no reason anymore to hold the most threads in english here.
For a comprehensive communication of all communities there is still the facebook group.
As I said the important threads like Ban-/Watchlist changes and the Online Highlander League should stay in english but I still don't see a reason why the rest of the forum here should stay in english.
Formerly known as With-FuLL-Force.

Dr. Opossum

I do not see any sense in excluding player groups that "read only" instead of writing (no matter in which Highlander forum), when just about everyone (for example, with the help of Google translator) can somehow communicate in English. Making information available to communities outside of the own country not only shows respect for other groups of players, but is also necessary if you want to spread the format beyond the borders. We have 3 council members who do not speak German and communicate through this forum or obtain information. The question of whether we write in German or English, does not arise in my opinion. The question that is much more pressing for me is: "Why is not written in English in other active Highlander forums?"

Also: If you think that your question should only reach a certain target group / is aimed at a specific target group, you are obviously free to write it in your native language. Whether that makes sense and you may not still see advantages in a medium that everyone understands is another matter.


Quote from: Dr. Opossum on 22-07-2018, 01:22:02 PM
I do not see any sense in excluding player groups that "read only"
Aren't those foreign communities with own forums in their native language exculding other communities?

Quote from: Dr. Opossum on 22-07-2018, 01:22:02 PM
Making information available to communities outside of the own country not only shows respect for other groups of players
I don't see that kind of respect from foreign communities if they prefer posting in their native language and only use this forum to "lurk".

Quote from: Dr. Opossum on 22-07-2018, 01:22:02 PM
We have 3 council members who do not speak German and communicate through this forum or obtain information.
Quote from: DarkLight on 11-07-2018, 03:17:30 AM
pyyhttu: Last post 04-10-2017
Nastaboi: Last post 16-11-2016
Dalibor: Last post 21-09-2017
It's more like they obtain and take it away into their own forums excluding other foreign communities to participate for whatever reasons.

Quote from: Dr. Opossum on 22-07-2018, 01:22:02 PM
The question that is much more pressing for me is: "Why is not written in English in other active Highlander forums?"
Good question ... or why foreign communities don't use this forum?

Quote from: Dr. Opossum on 22-07-2018, 01:22:02 PM
Also: If you think that your question should only reach a certain target group / is aimed at a specific target group, you are obviously free to write it in your native language. Whether that makes sense and you may not still see advantages in a medium that everyone understands is another matter.
I don't have a problem at all writing in english if there would be participation from foreign players but as I pointed out this forum is activly used only from german-speaking users so I was suggesting "Why not keep it german?".
Formerly known as With-FuLL-Force.


QuoteAren't those foreign communities with own forums in their native language exculding other communities?

Everybody uses facebook.

You can go to and translate the site to english, just to find out that the finnish people have a dead forum themselves.

QuoteEverybody uses facebook

So you might want to join facebook and join the conversation, or stay here and complain that nobody is using the forum.


Jemand war ja so nett und hat mich bei Facebook wegen meines "Fake"-Namens gemeldet ...

... und bevor ich diesem Verein meine persönlichen Daten gebe bin ich lieber kein aktiver Teil der Highlander-Community mehr.

Kleiner Tip an die die Facebook unter einem Alterego nutzen, ihr solltet in der Gruppe keinem mit euerer Meinung auf die Füße treten.
Formerly known as With-FuLL-Force.


Quote from: DarkLight on 23-07-2018, 02:32:56 AM

... und bevor ich diesem Verein meine persönlichen Daten gebe bin ich lieber kein aktiver Teil der Highlander-Community mehr.
