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Highlander Masters Westfalen II 16.9.18 Bielefeld

Started by sibert-msmtg, 15-08-2018, 04:25:53 PM

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After the successful kickoff 10 days ago, we are happy to announce a follow-up: (english text below)

Highlander Masters Westfalen II

Sonntag, 16.9.2018, 12:00

Spielraum, Am Sparrenberg 2, 33602 Bielefeld

5 Runden Highlander Magic, Best-of-three Swiss á 60 Minuten plus 3 Extraturns.

Deckbauregeln, Bannedlist etc. siehe hier:

10,-€ Startgeld (80% gehen in Preise => Einzelkarten/Booster/Zubehör)

Voranmeldung mit DCI-Nummer über oder im Laden (36 Startplätze)

Um allen Spielern ohne Eternal-Pool das Mitspielen zu ermöglichen, sind Proxys in unbegrenzter Menge erlaubt, sofern sie qualitativ hochwertig sind und wie echte Karten wirken (Mindestens: sehr gute Farbdrucke, auf andere Karten geklebt, Kanten präzise geschnitten oder kaschiert - aber sie müssen noch als Playtestkarten erkennbar sein.)

(Das Turnier ist nicht DCI sanktioniert und wird nicht reported- die Nummern dienen nur der Organisation)

Es wird darum gebeten, Decklisten in digitaler Form mitzubringen, gerne verwaltet über Wer diese Möglichkeit nicht hat, bringt bitte eine Liste in Papierform mit oder ein Foto, was alle Karten eindeutig erkennen lässt.


Highlander Masters Westfalen II

Sunday, Sep. 16th, 12:00

Spielraum, Am Sparrenberg 2, 33602 Bielefeld

5 rounds of Highlander Magic, Best-of-three Swiss á 60 Minuten plus 3 Extraturns.

Deckbuilding rules, banned list etc. see here:

10€ entry fee (of which 80% will be given out as prizes)

Register with DCI# via or in the store (36 players max)

To enable all players, also those without eternal pool to participate, proxys are allowed in unlimited amount, as long as they are high-quality and feel like real magic cards. (At least: very good color prints, glued onto other cards, borders precisely cut or inked - but make sure your proxies are still recognizable as playtest cards.)

The tournament is not DCI sanctioned and will not be reported. The DCI numbers are needed only for administration.

Please bring decklists in digital form, e.g. administered via Else, bring printed decklists or photos allowing for identifying every card.

Dr. Opossum

As a store owner you should be careful with your idea of a proxy. Don't get me wrong. I like the idea to allow them for an easier entry in the format and support it with all i can effort. But your description is not a call for a proxy or playtest card, it is an invitation and instruction for counterfeits. It could cost you your tournament license. Pls make sure, that your players know the difference between playtest card and counterfeit and that it must clearly recognizable as a playtest card (e.g. for a rule with a reasonable quality: only proxy function from in a smaller format are allowed or only black white printings are allowed, etc.).