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Highlander Tournaments in Erfurt

Started by Payron, 16-04-2010, 06:31:51 PM

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This tread should show you some standings from our small highlander tournaments in Erfurt!

First tournament (we already played with new bannings:

11. april 2010

1. 5c Control
2. 5c Goodstuff
3. 4c Aggro
4. Bant
5. Boros
6. 4c creature-combo-control

15 april 2010

1. 5c control
2. 5c aggro control
3. 4c aggro
4. 4c creature-combo-control
5. WW
6. UG ramp
7. Big Rock
8. Zur-Control
9. Bant
10. UW Control


Is it possible to post some deck lists?

i am interested in the "Big Rock", because i am having trouble with my deck Rock against T1 or T1.5 decks.



The player of this deck isn t very often active around here and I personal think that his list isn t the best avaliable because it was his first tournament, because he plays mostly just for fun. I can try to organize the decklist anyways, but this could take a while.


Thaks Payron, 5cc in 1st to times.. nice! looking forward to the decklist, if possible.
Also number of participants and number of types of decks, is that possible?



The number of participants is pretty small ... so you see all decks which played the small event!


And again a small tournament in Erfurt, I couldn t join it this time, but I could of organize the parings:

1. 5cc
2. Bant aggro
3. mono B aggro
4. 5c keaturen control
5. UG Aggro
6. Mono R
7. 5c aggro
8. ubw control
9. uw control
10. Mono G aggro


Final standings:

1. Naya
2. UBW control
3. RDW
4. 5c goodstuff (me)
5. 5c control
6. UR Counterburn
7. Mono b suicide
8. Bant aggro
9. Land.dec
10. Rock
11. UG aggro control (drop)

1. Game: UG aggro control 2:1
2. Game: Bant aggro 2:0
3. Game: Naya 0:2
4. Game: Land.dec 2:0


Final standings (05.08.2010):

1. aluren 52 creature combo
2. 4c aggro
3. UG aggro/control
4. rock
5. zoo
6. 5c controle
7. artefakt mono u (like the GP winner deck)
8. mbc
9. uw control
10. mono b suicid


Final standings:

1 Br aggro 12
2 UG aggro control 12
3 GW aggro 10
4 5c control 10
5 Aluren/Hulk/kiki-combo.dec  9
6 5c goodstuff 9
7 UW control 9
8 RDW 9
9 Zur Control 9
10 5c goodstuff 6
11 5c aggro 6
12 Reanimator 6
13 Rock 3
14 5c control 3
16 R/G beats 3
17 GW 3


Last standings:

1 5-Color Aggro 12
2 Bant AggroControl 10
3 5-Color Goodstuff 9
4 Esper Control 7
5 U/G AggroControl 7
6 Elfball 6
7 Random ComboControl 6
8 Mono-U Control 6
9 Naya Aggro 6
10 ? 4
11 Zur Control 4
12 4-Color Bigstuff 3
13 U/G AggroControl 1


New final standings:

1. 4c recusion - 6pt
2. 5c control   - 6pt
3. UWB control- 6pt
4. 5 "big" control- 6pt
5. Reaniamtor - 3pt
6. Mono U artifacts - 0pt     


I missed to write the final standings down this time so here are only the top 4 decks:

1. 5c control 3:1
2. Bant control 3:1
3. 4c Recrusion 3:1
4. Elfball

other Decks played this tournement: 5c goodstuff, 5c big creature control, UW skies, UW control


We had a little tournement yesterday again. here are the top decks:

1. RDW with b splash
2. 4c recrussion
3. 5c control
4. Bant control


Yesterday was again a small tournement in our town.

Final standings:

1. UWr Planeswalker control 12pt
2. UW skies 9pt
3. RDW 9pt
4. Bant control 9pt
5. combo elven 9pt
6. 5c aggro 6pt
7. UWB control 6pt
8. 5c control 6pt
9. Gw Elves! 6pt
10. 5c control 3pt
11. Eye of the Storm combo 3pt
12. WG aggro 3pt
13. UWB control 3pt
14. UW control 0pt

I played a varation of the Deck (UWr planswalker control) played from Nataboi at the Ladder tournement, which I diskussed a bit with him.

First match vs UWB control (7. place)

first game: I had wasteland and Spell snare for his Talisman and he was stuck on 2 lands .. I could play future Sight with counter back up which totaly won with pure card advantage.

second game: I had a solid hand with counters and overwhelmed him with Planswalker

Second match vs 5c aggro

first game: was a hard fight which was won by the later combination of maze faith's fetters and Venser (PW) which bounced fetters always on the dangeroused target and builded up a solid life boost

second game: he started and had no first round drop which won me the game ... I had spell snare first round ... leak second round ... counter spell third round ... and after that I had the upper hand

Third match vs UW skies

first game: he had not enought pressure and I could keep him low on 2 lands with my wasteland

second game: he had a insane start and could counter my 4th round exalted angel with delay ... but I had sower vs his weak flyers with force and pact backup which gave me enough time to get back my delayed Exalted which won the game easy.

Fourth match vs RDW

first game: I had to mull down to 5 and still keeped a hand with 1 land but with 1 more land the possiblity to totaly ruin rdw with lots of life gain + artifact mana. I missed the second land drop and he layed down Lasher and I thought the game is over, but I could of draw a land and play wall of omens which gave me the next land fromt he top. after that he played magus of the moon which annuled 3 fetchland which I draw fromt he top but my artifacts keeped me in the game and I won with faiths fetters, kitchen finks, baneslayer and ajanie

second game: total domination with rdw goblin guid - second round drop creature - molten rain - burn burn burn  - over

third game: he had hard pressure but I could stabilize on 6 life and draw ajanie .. he could of won but he drew 3 lands in the row



I missed the report last week, well sry for that  ::)

Here are the top 5 decks:

1. UW skies
2. Bant control
3. Staxx
4. Elves
5. GW tokens

all of them had a score of 3:1 so pretty random top there :)

I played Scapshift and totaly drew nothing and went 2:2 in the end. I was a bit disapointed because the testing results gave me a good feeling fot the top 3 places.

Yesterday was also a tournement with just 9 players :(

1. UWr Planswalker control 12 pts
2. UWR Wildfire control 8pts
3. 4c control with Planswalker 7 pts
4. Bant control 6pts
5. Bant aggro 6pts
6. Elves 6pts
7. UGB control 4pts
8. Eye of the Storm 4pts
9. UW artifacts 4pts