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Banned List - Comparison different HL formats

Started by Vazdru, 24-01-2011, 11:34:02 PM

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   Singleton (inactive)      Tiny Leaders      Duel Commander      Highlander            Canadian Highlander   
   was unavailable      Ancestral Recall      Ancestral Recall      Ancestral Recall      4/4      5   
               Ancient Tomb            1/4         
   Balance      Balance            Balance      3/4      1   
               Back to Basics            1/4         
         is unavailable            Birthing Pod      2/4      3   
   was unavailable      Black Lotus      Black Lotus      Black Lotus      4/4      7   
         Black Vise                  1/4         
         Channel      Channel            2/4         
         Counterbalance                  1/4         
   Crucible of Worlds                        1/4         
   Demonic Tutor      Demonic Tutor                  2/4      4   
   was unavailable      is unavailable      Dig Through Time            2/4      1   
                           -      Doomsday 2   
                           -      Enlightened Tutor 2   
               Entomb      Entomb      2/4         
         Earthcraft                  1/4         
         Edric, Spymaster of Trest                  1/4         
   Fastbond      Fastbond      Fastbond      no entry      3/4      1   
   Flash      not necessary      not necessary (Hulk banned)      Flash      4/4      7   
               Food Chain            1/4         
               Gaea's Cradle            1/4         
   Gifts Ungiven      is unavailable      Gifts Ungiven      Gifts Ungiven      4/4      1   
         Goblin Recruiter                  1/4         
               Grim Monolith            1/4         
         Grindstone            Grindstone      2/4         
         Hermit Druid      Hermit Druid            2/4      4   
         is unavailable      Humility            2/4         
   Imperial Seal      Imperial Seal      Imperial Seal      Imperial Seal      4/4      2   
   Intuition                        1/4      1   
               Karakas            1/4         
   Library of Alexandria      Library of Alexandria      Library of Alexandria      Library of Alexandria      4/4      1   
   Life from the Loam                        1/4         
                           -      Lim-Dul's Vault 1   
   Lion's Eye Diamond                        1/4         
               Loyal Retainers            1/4         
         Karakas                  1/4         
   Mana Crypt      Mana Crypt      Mana Crypt      Mana Crypt      4/4      2   
   was unavailable      Mana Drain      Mana Drain      no entry       3/4         
   Mana Vault      Mana Vault      Mana Vault      Mana Vault      4/4      1   
         Metalworker                  1/4         
   Mind Twist      Mind Twist      Mind Twist      Mind Twist      4/4      1   
   was unavailable      Mishra's Workshop      Mishra's Workshop          no entry       3/4         
   was unavailable      Moxes (Power 9)      Moxes (Power 9)      Moxes (Power 9)      4/4      3   
               Mystical Tutor            1/4      2   
         is unavailable      Natural Order      Natural Order      3/4      5   
         Necropotence                  1/4         
               Necrotic Ooze            1/4         
               Oath of Druids            1/4      1   
                           -      Personal Tutor 1   
         is unavailable      Protean Hulk            2/4      3   
   Sensei's Divining Top            Sensei's Divining Top      Sensei's Divining Top      3/4         
   was unavailable      Shahrazad      Shahrazad      Shahrazad      4/4         
   Skullclamp      Skullclamp            Skullclamp      3/4         
   Sol Ring      Sol Ring      Sol Ring      Sol Ring      4/4      4   
   Stoneforge Mystic                  Stoneforge Mystic      2/4      1   
   Strip Mine      Strip Mine      Strip Mine      Strip Mine      4/4      2   
                           -      Summoner's Pact 2   
   Survival of the Fittest      Survival of the Fittest            Survival of the Fittest      3/4      2   
         Sword of Body and Mind                  1/4         
                           -      Tainted Pact 1   
               The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale            1/4         
   Time Vault      Time Vault      Time Vault      Time Vault      4/4      7   
   was unavailable      Time Walk      Time Walk      Time Walk      4/4      5   
   was unavailable      Timetwister                  2/4         
   Tinker      not necessary      Tinker      Tinker      4/4      5   
   Tolarian Academy      Tolarian Academy      Tolarian Academy      no entry      3/4      1   
                           -      Transmute Artifact 1   
   was unavailable      is unavailable      Treasure Cruise             3/4      1   
                           -      True-Name Nemesis 1   
   Umezawa's Jitte      Umezawa's Jitte            Umezawa's Jitte      3/4      2   
   Vampiric Tutor      Vampiric Tutor      Vampiric Tutor      Vampiric Tutor      4/4      3   
   Wheel of Fortune      Wheel of Fortune                  2/4         
         Yawgmoth's Will                  1/4         
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


thx for this comparison of the different highlander-formats, maybe share this in our facebook-group too. australian highlander is missing or are there any reasons for not including a 60-card highlander format?


thx for the feedback
Australian Highlander added
shared on fb group HL Europe

   Singleton (inactive)      Tiny Leaders      Duel Commander      (European) Highlander            Canadian Highlander (10 points)      Australian Highlander * (7 points)   
   was unavailable      Ancestral Recall      Ancestral Recall      Ancestral Recall      4/4      5      4   
               Ancient Tomb            1/4               
   Balance      Balance            Balance      3/4      1      1   
               Back to Basics            1/4               
         is unavailable            Birthing Pod      2/4      3      1   
   was unavailable      Black Lotus      Black Lotus      Black Lotus      4/4      7      4   
         Black Vise                  1/4               
         Channel      Channel            2/4            2   
         Counterbalance                  1/4               
   Crucible of Worlds                        1/4               
   Demonic Tutor      Demonic Tutor                  2/4      4      3   
   was unavailable      is unavailable      Dig Through Time            2/4      1      2   
                           -      Doomsday 2         
                           -      Enlightened Tutor 2      1   
               Entomb      Entomb      2/4               
         Earthcraft                  1/4               
         Edric, Spymaster of Trest                  1/4               
   Fastbond      Fastbond      Fastbond      no entry      3/4      1      1   
   Flash      not necessary      not necessary (Hulk banned)      Flash      4/4      7      1   
               Food Chain            1/4               
               Gaea's Cradle            1/4               
   Gifts Ungiven      is unavailable      Gifts Ungiven      Gifts Ungiven      4/4      1      1   
         Goblin Recruiter                  1/4               
               Grim Monolith            1/4               
         Grindstone            Grindstone      2/4               
         Hermit Druid      Hermit Druid            2/4      4      1   
         is unavailable      Humility            2/4               
   Imperial Seal      Imperial Seal      Imperial Seal      Imperial Seal      4/4      2      3   
   Intuition                        1/4      1      1   
               Karakas            1/4            1   
   Library of Alexandria      Library of Alexandria      Library of Alexandria      Library of Alexandria      4/4      1      2   
   Life from the Loam                        1/4               
                           -      Lim-Dul's Vault 1      1   
   Lion's Eye Diamond                        1/4               
               Loyal Retainers            1/4               
         Karakas                  1/4               
   Mana Crypt      Mana Crypt      Mana Crypt      Mana Crypt      4/4      2      2   
   was unavailable      Mana Drain      Mana Drain      no entry       3/4            1   
   Mana Vault      Mana Vault      Mana Vault      Mana Vault      4/4      1      1   
         Metalworker                  1/4               
   Mind Twist      Mind Twist      Mind Twist      Mind Twist      4/4      1      1   
   was unavailable      Mishra's Workshop      Mishra's Workshop          no entry       3/4            1   
   was unavailable      Moxes (Power 9)      Moxes (Power 9)      Moxes (Power 9)      4/4      3      2   
               Mystical Tutor            1/4      2      2   
         is unavailable      Natural Order      Natural Order      3/4      5      1   
         Necropotence                  1/4               
               Necrotic Ooze            1/4               
               Oath of Druids            1/4      1      1   
                           -      Personal Tutor 1      1   
         is unavailable      Protean Hulk            2/4      3      1   
   Sensei's Divining Top            Sensei's Divining Top      Sensei's Divining Top      3/4               
   was unavailable      Shahrazad      Shahrazad      Shahrazad      4/4               
   Skullclamp      Skullclamp            Skullclamp      3/4            2   
   Sol Ring      Sol Ring      Sol Ring      Sol Ring      4/4      4      3   
   Stoneforge Mystic                  Stoneforge Mystic      2/4      1      1   
   Strip Mine      Strip Mine      Strip Mine      Strip Mine      4/4      2      2   
                           -      Summoner's Pact 2         
   Survival of the Fittest      Survival of the Fittest            Survival of the Fittest      3/4      2      1   
         Sword of Body and Mind                  1/4               
                           -      Tainted Pact 1      1   
               The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale            1/4               
   Time Vault      Time Vault      Time Vault      Time Vault      4/4      7      3   
   was unavailable      Time Walk      Time Walk      Time Walk      4/4      5      3   
   was unavailable      Timetwister                  2/4            1   
   Tinker      not necessary      Tinker      Tinker      4/4      5      3   
   Tolarian Academy      Tolarian Academy      Tolarian Academy      no entry      3/4      1      2   
                           -      Transmute Artifact 1         
   was unavailable      is unavailable      Treasure Cruise             3/4      1      1   
                           -      True-Name Nemesis 1      1   
   Umezawa's Jitte      Umezawa's Jitte            Umezawa's Jitte      3/4      2      1   
   Vampiric Tutor      Vampiric Tutor      Vampiric Tutor      Vampiric Tutor      4/4      3      3   
   Wheel of Fortune      Wheel of Fortune                  2/4            1   
         Yawgmoth's Will                  1/4            3   

* additionally 1 point at Australian Highlander: Crop Rotation, Dark Petition, Force of Will, Green Sun's Zenith,  Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Muddle the Mixture, Memory Jar, Merchant Scroll, Snapcaster Mage, Steelshaper's Gift, Time Spiral, Yawgmoth's Bargain, Wasteland, Worldly Tutor
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


   Duel Commander MTGO      Duel Commander Community      Highlander            Canadian Highlander (10 points)      Australian Highlander (7 points)   
   Ancestral Recall      Ancestral Recall      Ancestral Recall      3/3      6      4   
   Arcum Dagsson                  1/3               
   Back to Basics      Back to Basics      no entry      2/3            1   
   Balance            Balance      2/3      1      1   
   Bazaar of Baghdad                  1/3            1   
               Birthing Pod      1/3      3      1   
   Black Lotus      Black Lotus      Black Lotus      3/3      7      4   
   Braids, Cabal Minion                  1/3               
   Brainstorm                  1/3               
                     -      Demonic Tutor 4      3   
   Channel      Channel      no entry      2/3            2   
         Chrome Mox            1/3               
   Derevi, Empyrial Tactician                  1/3               
   Dig Through Time      Dig Through Time      no entry      2/3      1      2   
         Eidolon of the Great Revel            1/3               
         Emrakul the Aeons Thorn            1/3               
   Doomsday                  1/3      2         
   Edric, Spymaster of Trest                  1/3               
                     -      Enlightened Tutor 1      1   
   Entomb      Entomb      no entry      2/3               
   Erayo, Soratami Ascendant                  1/3               
   Fastbond                  1/3      1      1   
         Fireblast            1/3            1   
   not necessary (Hulk banned)      not necessary (Hulk banned)      Flash      3/3      7         
   Food Chain      Food Chain      no entry       2/3               
   Gaea's Cradle      Gaea's Cradle      no entry       2/3               
   Gifts Ungiven      Gifts Ungiven      Gifts Ungiven      3/3      2      1   
   Griselbrand                  1/3               
         Grim Monolith            1/3               
   Hermit Druid      Hermit Druid            2/3      3      1   
   Humility      Humility            2/3               
         Imperial Seal            1/3      2      3   
                     -      Intution 1      1   
   Karakas      Karakas      Commander-Specific      2/3            1   
   Library of Alexandria      Library of Alexandria      Library of Alexandria      3/3      1      2   
                     -      Lim-Dul's Vault 1      1   
         Loyal Retainers            1/3               
   Mana Crypt      Mana Crypt      Mana Crypt      3/3      2      2   
   Mana Drain      Mana Drain      no entry       2/3            1   
   Mana Vault      Mana Vault      Mana Vault      3/3      1      1   
                     -      Merchant Scroll 1         
   Mind Twist            Mind Twist      2/3      1      1   
   Mishra's Workshop          Mishra's Workshop          no entry       2/3            1   
   Moat                  1/3               
   Moxes (Power 9)      Moxes (Power 9)      Moxes (Power 9)      3/3      3      3   
         Mystical Tutor      Mystical Tutor      2/3      2      2   
   Natural Order      Natural Order      Natural Order      3/3      5      1   
   Necropotence            Commander-Specific      1/3               
         Necrotic Ooze            1/3               
   Oath of Druids      Oath of Druids            2/3      1      1   
                     1/3      Personal Tutor 1      1   
         Polymorph      Commander-Specific      1/3               
   Ponder                  1/3               
   Preordain                  1/3               
         Price of Progress            1/3               
   Protean Hulk      Protean Hulk            2/3      3      2   
   Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary                  1/3            1   
   Sensei's Divining Top      Sensei's Divining Top      Sensei's Divining Top      3/3            1   
   Serra Ascendant            Commander-Specific      1/3            2   
   [not available]      Shahrazad      Shahrazad      3/3               
               Skullclamp      1/3            2   
   Sol Ring      Sol Ring      Sol Ring      3/3      4      3   
                     -      Stoneforge Mystic 1      1   
   Strip Mine      Strip Mine      Strip Mine      3/3      2      2   
         Sulfuric Vortex            1/3            1   
                     -      Summoner's Pact 2         
   Survival of the Fittest            Survival of the Fittest      2/3      2      1   
                     -      Tainted Pact 1      1   
   The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale      The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale      no entry      2/3               
   Time Vault      Time Vault      Time Vault      3/3      7      4   
   Time Walk      Time Walk      Time Walk      3/3      6      3   
   Tinker      Tinker      Tinker      3/3      5      3   
   Tolarian Academy      Tolarian Academy      no entry      2/3      1      2   
                     -      Transmute Artifact 1         
   Treachery                  1/3               
   Treasure Cruise      Treasure Cruise       no entry      2/3      1      1   
                     -      True-Name Nemesis 1      1   
               Umezawa's Jitte      1/3      2      1   
         Vampiric Tutor      Vampiric Tutor      2/3      3      3   
   Vial Smasher the Fierce            Commander-Specific      1/3               
                     -      Worldly Tutor 1      1   
   Yawgmoth's Bargain            Commander-Specific      1/3               
   Yisan, the Wanderer Bard            Commander-Specific      1/3               
   Zur the Enchanter            Commander-Specific      1/3               

[French] Duel Commander started some bans to keep RDW in check: Eidolon, Fireblast, Price of Progress, Sulfuric Vortex

Entomb: banned in Commander, unbanned rather no points at all in Highlander
Gaea's Cradle: banned in Commander, unbanned rather no points at all in Highlander
Mana Drain: banned in Commander, unbanned rather no points at all in Canadian Highlander (Australian Highlander 1/7)

Birthing Pod: unbanned in Commander, banned rather 3/10, 1/7 points in Highlander
Mystical Tutor: unbanned in Commander, banned rather 2/10, 2/7 points in Highlander                     
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.