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Poll / Opinions etc

Started by LasH, 10-04-2011, 01:47:37 PM

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Hi, i played the last highlander grand prix in frankfurt.

And you did a "poll/survey" about the current format. I forgot to do it, but i think its a great idea.

Do u think its possible to put the poll online for a limited time? This would also allow to get opinions from foreign players.

Thanks :-)


Quote from: LasH on 10-04-2011, 01:47:37 PM
Hi, i played the last highlander grand prix in frankfurt.

And you did a "poll/survey" about the current format. I forgot to do it, but i think its a great idea.

Do u think its possible to put the poll online for a limited time? This would also allow to get opinions from foreign players.

Thanks :-)

Yes i will. I have 31 responses yet, maybe a few more after next TNM in Karlsruhe. There will be the possibility to fill out the survey in this forum too.
Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


As long as the announced online poll is not up I will post here.

My proposal would be:


Entomb – Is banned because....what? Entomb/Animate target creature is fine for me. This is a cheap two card combo which does not safely win in every situation. I don't see a big difference to Hexmage/Depth or Foundry/Sword which are no more than mediocre in the Format. In theory this can be insanely good, but how often will this work in real life? It's still a two card combo.
Supporting graveyard strategies without Loam in the format is fine for me. Nearly nobody plays Graveyard hate at the moment, because there is no necessity.

Trinisphere – similar explanation. Another cheap two card combo which does not win the game for sure and is only game breaking when you play this very early in the game.

What is the probability to have Entomb/Animate spell, Trinisphere/3Mana on turn 1-2? How good are these card combinations later in the game? I don't think they are ban worthy


Mana Drain – one card combo, played round 2-3 is "good game"
Natural Order – see above
Oath of Druids  - see above
(please don't argue that this needs  a big spell in your hand – green creature on the board – creature on opponents side)
Demonic Tutor –  see above, just one round later with the advantage to be more flexible (insert random "I win in this specific board situation" card here). Nearly every deck can afford to splash it. I would even splash it in MonoR Goblins :-O
Fetchlands – BOOM! Now I came out. No retreat possible. I'm serious. No drugs involved.

After you finished laughing and have calmed down, start to think about it open minded. Forget your beloved multicoloured pet deck and take an objective look from above. Fetching and shuffling is the most annoying, joy killing and time eating aspect of our format. I Vote for: EOT belongs to instants. No fetch nuisance any more!

Also splashing certain cards with nearly no drawback (Hello Demonic Tutor!) leads to uniform, boring and stupid deck building, disregarding the colour pie. Best examples are the good stuff decks (including Bant and Naya) which are DTB in the format for a long time.

Going back to the roots looks fun for me:
If you want to play aggro, take your RDW, Gobbos, WW, Boros, RG beats
Loving midrange? Go for GW Creature toolbox or GB Rock
Want to be Aggrocontrol? Build your UG or Skies deck.
Like to play control? Metagame your UX list.
What to cast the BIG spells? What about Gx Ramp or 2-3C Staxx
Don´ like to cast them fair? Sleeve in your UB reanimator or Elves deck!
Are you the Combo player? Vote for unbanning Tolarian Academy and Yawgmoth´s Will J

Let the flame war begin...
Feel free to browse through my MKM account:

I also have a huge amount of chinese and japanese foil HL staples not listed yet,  which I would like to downgrade to english foil. Just let me know!


Quote from: MMD on 15-04-2011, 03:38:35 PM

Mana Drain
Natural Order
Oath of Druids
Demonic Tutor

Agree on Entomb, Trinisphere, Mana Drain, Demonic Tutor.
Disagree on Natural Order, Oath of Druids.
Fetch lands are really much more up for discussion because they do allow for the control player to stay in the format even though Flooded Strand never should be able to fetch Plateau, which is just wrong on every level. The shuffling is annoying too!

Entomb, agree!
Trinisphere, agree it doesn't do that much hurt to this format compared to any other non-singleton format. Not enough in my opinion.
Mana Drain, yes too good to be true.
Demonic Tutor, yes too good to be true and also very splash-able.
Natural Order, I can't see why this card should be even near the ban list. You can counter it, you can remove the creature. Many reasons why this is just a poor card, that CAN be played in the right deck.
Oath of Druids, no this card is not near powerful enough and it allows for the some control decks to have som fun games. It used to be really good but it is just hurt by Qasali Pridemage and the likes.
That is my opinion.


Quote from: MMD on 15-04-2011, 03:38:35 PM
As long as the announced online poll is not up I will post here.

My proposal would be:


Entomb – Is banned because....what? Entomb/Animate target creature is fine for me. This is a cheap two card combo which does not safely win in every situation. I don't see a big difference to Hexmage/Depth or Foundry/Sword which are no more than mediocre in the Format. In theory this can be insanely good, but how often will this work in real life? It's still a two card combo.
Supporting graveyard strategies without Loam in the format is fine for me. Nearly nobody plays Graveyard hate at the moment, because there is no necessity.

This is a two card combo, which one of the cards being highly redundant. Specially now with all the good incredible fatties.

Comparing this to hexmage + dark is surreal. The token can be bounced, STPed, mazed, chump blocked by BOP. Not to mention, again, the redundancy of one of the combos pieces in entomb, meaning depts + hex is harder to get in early turns.


I agree that the decks have adopted and have more solutions for Oath of Druids/Natural Order and/or are too fast for it. But still - facing them T2-3 is just unfun and unbalanced and nearly impossible to beat. I can agree that they do not directly go to the list of banned cards but they should at least be observed for the sake of a healthy format and should be mentioned on the watch list to show the players that the council understands the powerlevel. The same goes for Drain and Demonic if they do not get the banhammer.

The three combos are not compareable as they do different things in different decks. I used it as a lead for the discussion. However, I can certainly also find a couple of examples where Hex/Depth is the better combo and in a meta of full of plainswalkers I also think that the Hexmage is quite redundant but this is not the point. The question for me is, how will the format look like with Entomb in? The card will solely strengthen Reanimator which is IMO acceptable as I do not see that this will put Reanimator over the top.

Reanimator will be just another Tier1 contender together with some other decks. The good thing would be that the dominating aggro decks have to face a new enemy which is hard to come by with "only" curving the good stuff. Control decks can much better adopt to a metagame and can easily be built to beat a aggro/reanimator meta. Splahing graveyard hate is much easier in control decks as they already have a reactive strategy. Also some cards in control decks are already capable to beat aggro & reanimator strategies (e.g. Wrath of God).

Feel free to browse through my MKM account:

I also have a huge amount of chinese and japanese foil HL staples not listed yet,  which I would like to downgrade to english foil. Just let me know!


Quote from: MMD on 16-04-2011, 08:33:40 AM
Also some cards in control decks are already capable to beat aggro & reanimator strategies (e.g. Wrath of God).

Unfortunately, even a 4 turn WOG, most of the times, doesn't stop aggro.

Also, i really don't see any redundant cards (playable) for the hexmage part of the combo, unlike reanimation cards.

Also, i don't understand that you want to unban entomb, but then ban oath. I find oath to be a lot less broken than entomb, but that's just my opinion, let's see if any other players comment on this.


This questionnaire has been distributed to the participants of the 8th HL GP in Frankfurt (02.04.11). It's almost the same one I used  at HL Gp No. 6 a few years before.

Online players are invited to take part in this survey (just quote and fill in). The analysis will be reported here soon.

German Version:



Fragebogen zur Banned-List

•   Ancestral Recall
•   Balance
•   Black Lotus
•   Buried Alive
•   Cephalid Illusionist
•   Chaos Orb
•   Dread Return
•   Enlightened Tutor
•   Entomb
•   Falling Star
•   Fastbond
•   Flash
•   Grindstone
•   Imperial Seal
•   Library of Alexandria
•   Life from the Loam
•   Lion's Eye Diamond
•   Mana Crypt
•   Mana Vault
•   Memory Jar
•   Mind Twist   
•   Mox Emerald
•   Mox Jet
•   Mox Pearl
•   Mox Ruby
•   Mox Sapphire
•   Mystical Tutor
•   Skullclamp
•   Sol Ring
•   Strip Mine
•   Survival of the Fittest
•   Tolarian Academy
•   Time Vault
•   Time Walk
•   Tinker
•   Trinisphere
•   Umezawa's Jitte
•   Vampiric Tutor
•   Wheel of Fortune
•   Yawgmoth's Will   Alle Ante-Karten:
•   Amulet of Quoz
•   Bronze Tablet
•   Contract from Below
•   Darkpact
•   Demonic Attorney
•   Jeweled Bird
•   Rebirth
•   Tempest Efreet
•   Timmerian Fiends
Weiterhin sind alle Karten aus den Editionen "Unglued" und "Unhinged" mit Ausnahme der Basic Lands banned.
Folgende silberrandige Karten sind ebenfalls banned:
•   Evil Presents
•   Fruitcake Elemental
•   Gifts Given

Wie bewertest Du die Banned-Liste auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10 (1=grottig, 10=super)?


Wie bewertest Du die Mulligan-Regel auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10?


Wie oft spielst Du Highlander nach den durchschnittlich

   Mehrmals wöchentlich

   Einmal die Woche

   Einmal im Monat
   Nur bei größeren Turnieren

Wie häufig warst Du schon bei einem HL-GP?


Welche Karten fehlen Deiner Meinung nach auf der aktuellen Banned-Liste? (max. die wichtigsten 5, wenn möglich mit kurzer Begründung)






Welche Karten würdest Du von der Banned-Liste streichen? (max. die wichtigsten 5, wenn möglich mit kurzer Begründung)






Wärst Du beim 9. HL GP wieder dabei? Wenn ja, wie viel Kilometer würdest Du max. dafür fahren? (einfache Strecke)


Er soll einen GP in der Slowakei geben. Würdest Du dorthin fahren, wenn der Preissupport stimmt? Wenn ja, was willst Du haben als Turniersieger?





Questionnaire for MTG Banned List (valid due 15.10.2008, see below)

•   Ancestral Recall
•   Balance
•   Black Lotus
•   Buried Alive
•   Cephalid Illusionist
•   Chaos Orb
•   Dread Return
•   Enlightened Tutor
•   Entomb
•   Falling Star
•   Fastbond
•   Flash
•   Grindstone
•   Imperial Seal
•   Library of Alexandria
•   Life from the Loam
•   Lion's Eye Diamond
•   Mana Crypt
•   Mana Vault
•   Memory Jar
•   Mind Twist   
•   Mox Emerald
•   Mox Jet
•   Mox Pearl
•   Mox Ruby
•   Mox Sapphire
•   Mystical Tutor
•   Skullclamp
•   Sol Ring
•   Strip Mine
•   Survival of the Fittest
•   Tolarian Academy
•   Time Vault
•   Time Walk
•   Tinker
•   Trinisphere
•   Umezawa's Jitte
•   Vampiric Tutor
•   Wheel of Fortune
•   Yawgmoth's Will   Alle Ante-Karten:
•   Amulet of Quoz
•   Bronze Tablet
•   Contract from Below
•   Darkpact
•   Demonic Attorney
•   Jeweled Bird
•   Rebirth
•   Tempest Efreet
•   Timmerian Fiends
•   Evil Presents
•   Fruitcake Elemental
•   Gifts Given

How do you rate the banned-list on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=poor, 10=great)?


How do you rate the highlander mulligan on a scale from 1 to 10?


How often do you play Highlander ( in average

   several times weekly

   once per week

   one per month
   only (big) tournaments (like GP)

How often have you played on a HL-GP?


Which cards are missing on the banned-list and why? (max. the 5 most important ones)






Which cards should be deleted from the banned-list and why? (max. the 5 most important ones)






Thanks a lot for participance!

Helpful suggestions are welcome!


Far below the earth
Where the demons hunt the souls of those that sleep
In the city of the Vazdru and the Drin
Where the black flame burns inside the palace fountain.


Quote from: Mythrandir on 16-04-2011, 12:43:17 PM
Unfortunately, even a 4 turn WOG, most of the times, doesn't stop aggro.

Also, i really don't see any redundant cards (playable) for the hexmage part of the combo, unlike reanimation cards.

Also, i don't understand that you want to unban entomb, but then ban oath. I find oath to be a lot less broken than entomb, but that's just my opinion, let's see if any other players comment on this.

If you have nothing else then 4th turn WoG you either play a bad deck or made a bad mulligan decision.

Entomb is not on the same power level because Oath of Druids is a two mana one card semi-combo. That Oath needs a creature to trigger is no valid counter-argument. A card with which reads: "Wrath of Druids - G1 Enchtantment - Destroy all creatures, creatures cannot be played" is not too shabby for a control deck.
Feel free to browse through my MKM account:

I also have a huge amount of chinese and japanese foil HL staples not listed yet,  which I would like to downgrade to english foil. Just let me know!


Wie bewertest Du die Banned-Liste auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10 (1=grottig, 10=super)?

Wie bewertest Du die Mulligan-Regel auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10?

Wie oft spielst Du Highlander nach den durchschnittlich

   Mehrmals wöchentlich

Wie häufig warst Du schon bei einem HL-GP?

Welche Karten fehlen Deiner Meinung nach auf der aktuellen Banned-Liste? (max. die wichtigsten 5, wenn möglich mit kurzer Begründung)

Goblin Swine-Rider as it's got the most incredible art ever!!11!

Don't think anything needs to get banned right now. Mana Drain got an insane power level, but I think it's fine. There are some cards (Oath, Natural Order)to watch carefully, though.

Welche Karten würdest Du von der Banned-Liste streichen? (max. die wichtigsten 5, wenn möglich mit kurzer Begründung)

Entomb (Entomb is probably a very restricted tutor for combo, but a good card for reanimator. With Life from the Loam gone I cannot see that much abuse)

Buried Alive (Don't think that combo will rise that much by unbanning it, but maybe reanimator would play it. It needs to be tested first in order not to boost Hulk too much)

Enlightened Tutor (The dominant Survival is gone and I think it is just fine to punish multicolored decks by fetching B2B/Blood Moon. I don't see the problem that aggrodecks get an tutor for Winter Orb.)

Wärst Du beim 9. HL GP wieder dabei? Wenn ja, wie viel Kilometer würdest Du max. dafür fahren? (einfache Strecke)
100 km

Er soll einen GP in der Slowakei geben. Würdest Du dorthin fahren, wenn der Preissupport stimmt? Wenn ja, was willst Du haben als Turniersieger?


Quote from: Vazdru on 16-04-2011, 02:17:04 PM
This questionnaire has been distributed to the participants of the 8th HL GP in Frankfurt (02.04.11). It's almost the same one I used  at HL Gp No. 6 a few years before.

Online players are invited to take part in this survey (just quote and fill in). The analysis will be reported here soon.

German Version:


Name: LasH

Fragebogen zur Banned-List

•   Ancestral Recall
•   Balance
•   Black Lotus
•   Buried Alive
•   Cephalid Illusionist
•   Chaos Orb
•   Dread Return
•   Enlightened Tutor
•   Entomb
•   Falling Star
•   Fastbond
•   Flash
•   Grindstone
•   Imperial Seal
•   Library of Alexandria
•   Life from the Loam
•   Lion's Eye Diamond
•   Mana Crypt
•   Mana Vault
•   Memory Jar
•   Mind Twist   
•   Mox Emerald
•   Mox Jet
•   Mox Pearl
•   Mox Ruby
•   Mox Sapphire
•   Mystical Tutor
•   Skullclamp
•   Sol Ring
•   Strip Mine
•   Survival of the Fittest
•   Tolarian Academy
•   Time Vault
•   Time Walk
•   Tinker
•   Trinisphere
•   Umezawa's Jitte
•   Vampiric Tutor
•   Wheel of Fortune
•   Yawgmoth's Will   Alle Ante-Karten:
•   Amulet of Quoz
•   Bronze Tablet
•   Contract from Below
•   Darkpact
•   Demonic Attorney
•   Jeweled Bird
•   Rebirth
•   Tempest Efreet
•   Timmerian Fiends
Weiterhin sind alle Karten aus den Editionen "Unglued" und "Unhinged" mit Ausnahme der Basic Lands banned.
Folgende silberrandige Karten sind ebenfalls banned:
•   Evil Presents
•   Fruitcake Elemental
•   Gifts Given

Wie bewertest Du die Banned-Liste auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10 (1=grottig, 10=super)?


Wie bewertest Du die Mulligan-Regel auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10?

6 (Spoil mulligan should have a restriction, 6 cards is to much)

Wie oft spielst Du Highlander nach den durchschnittlich

X   Mehrmals wöchentlich
Wie häufig warst Du schon bei einem HL-GP?


Welche Karten fehlen Deiner Meinung nach auf der aktuellen Banned-Liste? (max. die wichtigsten 5, wenn möglich mit kurzer Begründung)

Quasali Pridemage (to mighty 2 drop in highlander, much to flexible creature, to many cheap options to get him (sylvan tutor, wordly tutor, green zenith, eladamri's call, fauna shaman <=2cc) , weakens any control deck to much)


The green tutor's (worldy tutor, Green Zenith, Eladamri's call, sylvan tutor) - makes any aggro deck to flexible, always finding the perfect answer in a creature, enabling to much toolbox features, which makes aggro/control simply the best archetype in the format.

Maybe Gifts Ungiven - to flexible, to easy to splash, always cards advantage in the best possible way.

Maybe SDT - Slows down any game, auto-include in nearly every deck, which makes any deck slower (in playtime).

Welche Karten würdest Du von der Banned-Liste streichen? (max. die wichtigsten 5, wenn möglich mit kurzer Begründung)

Memory Jar (Unban - alrdy happend)

Yawgmoth's Will (Watchlist) - Also allowed in singleton without problems
Tolarian Academy (Watchlist) - Stax is no more tier 1 even with TA. Possible problematic with combo decks. Test's needed. Also i would not unban it, if my suggested ban's take off.

Buried Alive - Simply because i miss that card in my reanimator.

Wärst Du beim 9. HL GP wieder dabei? Wenn ja, wie viel Kilometer würdest Du max. dafür fahren? (einfache Strecke)

250 km

Er soll einen GP in der Slowakei geben. Würdest Du dorthin fahren, wenn der Preissupport stimmt? Wenn ja, was willst Du haben als Turniersieger?

I would not participate, to far.


Quote from: Vazdru on 16-04-2011, 02:17:04 PM

German Version:


Name:__Christoph O._________________________________________________________________

Wie bewertest Du die Banned-Liste auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10 (1=grottig, 10=super)?


Wie bewertest Du die Mulligan-Regel auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10?


Wie oft spielst Du Highlander nach den durchschnittlich

   Mehrmals wöchentlich

x   Einmal die Woche

   Einmal im Monat
   Nur bei größeren Turnieren

Wie häufig warst Du schon bei einem HL-GP?


Welche Karten fehlen Deiner Meinung nach auf der aktuellen Banned-Liste? (max. die wichtigsten 5, wenn möglich mit kurzer Begründung)

Progenitus  OR

Natural Order

(assuming the mirror, the first person drawing Bribery or NO in a stall simply wins)

Welche Karten würdest Du von der Banned-Liste streichen? (max. die wichtigsten 5, wenn möglich mit kurzer Begründung)

Yawgmoth's Will (there is not enough fast mana avaiable to truely break YW)

Tolarian Academy merits testing at least (but is a card that will be built around; I hope it would not be too strong)

Wärst Du beim 9. HL GP wieder dabei? Wenn ja, wie viel Kilometer würdest Du max. dafür fahren? (einfache Strecke)

_____600 (when friends come as well)________

Er soll einen GP in der Slowakei geben. Würdest Du dorthin fahren, wenn der Preissupport stimmt? Wenn ja, was willst Du haben als Turniersieger?

____too far from Hamburg ;-) maybe if it would be a side event of a "real" GP (hey one can dream!)


Quote from: Vazdru on 16-04-2011, 02:17:04 PM

Name: Kristian K.

Questionnaire for MTG Banned List (valid due 15.10.2008, see below)

•   Ancestral Recall
•   Balance
•   Black Lotus
•   Buried Alive
•   Cephalid Illusionist
•   Chaos Orb
•   Dread Return
•   Enlightened Tutor
•   Entomb
•   Falling Star
•   Fastbond
•   Flash
•   Grindstone
•   Imperial Seal
•   Library of Alexandria
•   Life from the Loam
•   Lion's Eye Diamond
•   Mana Crypt
•   Mana Vault
•   Memory Jar
•   Mind Twist   
•   Mox Emerald
•   Mox Jet
•   Mox Pearl
•   Mox Ruby
•   Mox Sapphire
•   Mystical Tutor
•   Skullclamp
•   Sol Ring
•   Strip Mine
•   Survival of the Fittest
•   Tolarian Academy
•   Time Vault
•   Time Walk
•   Tinker
•   Trinisphere
•   Umezawa's Jitte
•   Vampiric Tutor
•   Wheel of Fortune
•   Yawgmoth's Will   Alle Ante-Karten:
•   Amulet of Quoz
•   Bronze Tablet
•   Contract from Below
•   Darkpact
•   Demonic Attorney
•   Jeweled Bird
•   Rebirth
•   Tempest Efreet
•   Timmerian Fiends
•   Evil Presents
•   Fruitcake Elemental
•   Gifts Given

How do you rate the banned-list on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=poor, 10=great)?


How do you rate the highlander mulligan on a scale from 1 to 10?


How often do you play Highlander ( in average

   several times weekly

How often have you played on a HL-GP?


Which cards are missing on the banned-list and why? (max. the 5 most important ones)

None that I can think of.

Which cards should be deleted from the banned-list and why? (max. the 5 most important ones)

Dread Return
Mystical Tutor
Survoval of the fittest

It's my opinon that none of the listed cards would be terribly broken in my current meta. Good? Yes. Powerful? Yes! But not meta-warpingly broken.

Thanks a lot for participance!

Helpful suggestions are welcome!

I see some complaints about shuffling now and then, but I disagree with them because I believe that it's a matter of routine (both learning to shuffle efficiently and quickly with a 100 card deck, but also learning how to play your deck, knowing what solution you pick in which situations (tutors) and how to fix your manabase (fetchlands)).

I must admit that I'm quite contend with the current ban list, even though I'm tired of losing to Thopter Foundry/Sword of the Meek combo every now and then ;).
There can be only one!



Name: Tiggupiru / Janne Öhman

How do you rate the banned-list on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=poor, 10=great)?

8 (Nothing is broken, and the format is enjoyable, but there are lot of stuff I am still unsure or simply disagree with)

How do you rate the highlander mulligan on a scale from 1 to 10?

9,5 (one of the better reasons to play this format)

How often do you play Highlander ( in average

* several times weekly

How often have you played on a HL-GP?

Never. Still waiting for GP Helsinki :(

Which cards are missing on the banned-list and why? (max. the 5 most important ones)

Gifts Ungiven (Gives sick advantage, takes time to resolve and banning this would make some of the cards that are deemed "problematic" weak enough to be fair. Too easy to splash)

Demonic Tutor (Love the card, but I play it every deck simply because of fetches and sick power level)

Sensei's Diving Top (Problematic in tournaments because of time issues, no reason not to play this in every deck. Love this in MonoR burn even)

Which cards should be deleted from the banned-list and why? (max. the 5 most important ones)

Life from the Loam (I think this is not a very good card in most decks, unless the MU and the situation favors it. In Germany where everyone and their mother play 4-5c goodstuff, this might be a really absurd card. Difference of metagame interpretations, I guess. In past, I've always been happy when my opponent plays this)

Enlightened Tutor (Demonic is way better than this)

Mystical Tutor (Ditto)

Yawgmoth's Will (Breaks absolutely nothing. Is good in storm decks, but only after they've accumulated critical mass, and just look for a way to win. Would be cool to play with)

Buried Alive (Gives access to a combo that can be disrupted with any red instant, bounce, removal, GY hate, counterspells + whole list of currently popular cards that mess with this. Not to mention, it's just wrong not to give players the opportunity to test this combo)

Helpful suggestions are welcome!

Good job overall, format is fun and that is what ultimately matters.




Questionnaire for MTG Banned List (valid due 15.10.2008, see below)

•   Ancestral Recall
•   Balance
•   Black Lotus
•   Buried Alive
•   Cephalid Illusionist
•   Chaos Orb
•   Dread Return
•   Enlightened Tutor
•   Entomb
•   Falling Star
•   Fastbond
•   Flash
•   Grindstone
•   Imperial Seal
•   Library of Alexandria
•   Life from the Loam
•   Lion's Eye Diamond
•   Mana Crypt
•   Mana Vault
•   Memory Jar
•   Mind Twist   
•   Mox Emerald
•   Mox Jet
•   Mox Pearl
•   Mox Ruby
•   Mox Sapphire
•   Mystical Tutor
•   Skullclamp
•   Sol Ring
•   Strip Mine
•   Survival of the Fittest
•   Tolarian Academy
•   Time Vault
•   Time Walk
•   Tinker
•   Trinisphere
•   Umezawa's Jitte
•   Vampiric Tutor
•   Wheel of Fortune
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How do you rate the banned-list on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=poor, 10=great)?


How do you rate the highlander mulligan on a scale from 1 to 10?

5 (IMO, initial hands should be based solely on luck + deckbuilding skills)

How often do you play Highlander ( in average

   several times weekly

   once per week

   one per month
   only (big) tournaments (like GP)

How often have you played on a HL-GP?


Which cards are missing on the banned-list and why? (max. the 5 most important ones)

Timetwister VS imperial seal causes me some confusion (money issues)





Which cards should be deleted from the banned-list and why? (max. the 5 most important ones)

Wouldn't mind if some of the oldies got tested (not unbanned, TESTED) (TA, trinisphere, etc) because the meta
now is so differente than a couple of years ago.





