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Online Highlander Tournament ... for free and for fun!

Started by DarkLight, 04-08-2018, 03:44:08 AM

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I posted my first idea of a new Online Highlander Tournament format like a month ago and this thread now is to ask you guys if enough players are interested in this to pursue this idea.

Some of this stuff is already known from the Online Highlander League:

- Monthly tournament free to join, post your deck code to join.
- The tournament is intended for 8 players single KO-System, Best of Three.
- Games will be played on Cockatrice (Server: Rooster Ranges)
- Rounds end every week Sunday 11 pm (players can arrange their match from Monday 6 pm - Sunday 11 pm).
- I would suggest to arrange your matches via PM or Discord.
- Players who don't show up to their match, receive a loss and can't join the next monthly tournament.
- Winner posts a short report of the match.

If you have questions or ideas feel free to post or contact me via PM or discord.
Formerly known as With-FuLL-Force.


I'm in, on whatever the structure will be.

Also, I would like to see _some_ kind of prize/benefit for the winner each time. For example byes or free entries for the league, or possibly an invitational tournament.

Additionally, I'm still interested in something like Vintage Super Leage for our format.


At the moment there are not enough interested players to start. I will post updates here if this will change in the future.
Formerly known as With-FuLL-Force.