Announcement Shedule
Starting this year we will use a new schedule for Watchlist- and Banlist-Announcements: – Watchlist Announcement Aug 1st 2020 / Feb 1st 2021…
Watch List Announcement!
Watchlist changes January 1st 2020 Cards on the following list will be closely observed and are potential candidates for a banning on April …
Highlander Podcast #2!
We are back with the second episode of our brand new Power Podcast! A big “THANK YOU!” for the great support and …
Survey Results Continental Cup 2019
This survey was handed out on the Continental Cup #2 in Halle, November 2019. 47 of 90 people took part in the survey.…
Highlander Podcast #1!
Did you know that our format does NOT have a podcast yet? NOT ANYMORE! We would like to introduce you to our latest …